2020 NanoScientific Forum Europe (NSFE 2020) (Konferenz | Dublin)
NanoScientific Forum Europe (NSFE) series is an open European AFM User Forum focusing on sharing and exchanging the cutting-edge research for both materials and life science disciplines using Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM).
The third NanoScientific Forum Europe (#NSFE2020) will focus on nanoscale functional materials, such as organics, organic/inorganic hybrid semiconductors, nano- and biomaterials, as well as the development of novel nanometrology methods.
NSFE 2020 will be hosted by Prof. Kim McKelvey, School of Chemistry at Trinity College Dublin, and by Prof. Brian Rodriguez, School of Physics at University College Dublin.
- Energy Storage
- Nanophotonics and Nanoelectronics
- Organic, inorganic and hybrid Semiconductors
- Nanomaterials and Biotechnology
- Special Session: Electrochemical & Electromechanical Properties in Functional Materials
- Nanomechanical and Electrical Characterization
- Characterization of soft materials in liquid environment
- Advanced Imaging
An exciting agenda is planned for the 2.5 days:
- Lectures by renowned AFM researchers
- Instrument workshops on Park Systems AFMs, including basic and advanced measuring techniques as well as tips and tricks, how to obtain stunning AFM data
- Poster session and image contest with amazing prizes!
- Evening Program
Conference venue:
Science Gallery Dublin
Trinity College Dublin
Pearse St, Dublin 2, Ireland
Conference Contact:
Conference Organizer: Justyna Sliwa nsfe@parksystems.com
Eventdatum: 23.09.20 – 25.09.20
Eventort: Dublin
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
Park Systems Europe GmbH
Janderstraße 5
68199 Mannheim
Telefon: +49 (621) 490896-50
Weiterführende Links
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