Lockdown – Tim Etchells
“I wanted to record some of the repeating patterns of these weeks, not just the things I was seeing and hearing on a daily basis but also some of the thoughts that were coming back to me. My reach was for commonplace things: recurring images and ideas as well as occasional details of one kind or another. I’m realising how used I was (in the old reality) to change and varied stimulus – and I’m struck now by how much sparser and simpler the visual and acoustic reality of lockdown is for me. As frightening and truly awful as the situation is (especially as it’s dealt with ineptly by our politicians) the lockdown is also, for the moment, a calm, relatively straightforward space for me – all day in the house, one walk each morning through the parks nearby, the same route every day, avoiding other people. The sparseness of the drawings, combined with their simple almost redundant captions, reflect something of that. It also, I hope, helps leave the drawings open – what’s here is specific in many ways no doubt to this particular corner of London and my route through it, but it also begins to map generic scenes and items, reflecting an experience that’s at some level collective."
Weitere Künstler*innen der kommenden Wochen sind Kateřina Šedá und Ahmet Öğüt.
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