UBISOFT enthüllt Assassin’s Creed Valhalla – Vollständige Ankündigung am 30. April um 17:00 Uhr
Der neue Titel spielt im Zeitalter der Wikinger. Dieses Setting wurde während eines Livestreams des Künstlers Bosslogic gezeigt, in welchem er ein einzigartiges Artwork schuf, um die Kulisse zu präsentieren.
Der offizielle Weltpremieren-Trailer kann morgen um 17:00 Uhr unter folgendem Link gefunden werden: https://youtu.be/8WKLnfE-3Vs
Die AT Version kann unter folgendem Link gefunden werden.
Mehr Informationen zu Assassin’s Creed® auf Facebook und Twitter sowie Instagram.
Aktuelle News zu Assassin’s Creed® und weiteren Ubisoft Titeln unter: https://news.ubisoft.com
Alle bisherigen Asssassin’s Creed-Spiele im Ubisoft Store unter: https://store.ubi.com/de/assassin-s-creed-franchise-all-games
About BossLogic:Kode Abdo, also known as Bosslogic, is an Australian contemporary digital artist who emerged on social media with his powerful and creative works on all current trends on the Internet, notably when it comes to his favorite subject: the Entertainment industry. He is notably known for his collaboration with Marvel for a Limited Edition Avengers: Endgame poster, as well as DC Comics on the upcoming Black Adam movie starring Dwayne Johnson.
As a self-taught artist, Kode first started drawing when he was 6 years old. Using mainly digital tools and graphics to create, his art reflects his passion for Entertainment, including comics, movies and video games, and his interest for all the current trends on the Internet. For the past 8 years, he has been working in digital mediums while building his brand and his studio Lineage Studios, based in New York, USA. With more than 1.8 million followers on Instagram, Kode Abdo is one of the most accomplished digital artists today.
For more information about Bosslogic and his latest creations you can visit : https://www.instagram.com/bosslogic/
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