Forschung und Entwicklung

A Turn for the Better: New Aluminium “Plastic-free” Closures for DURAN® Lab Bottles

DWK Life Sciences now offers DURAN® GL 45 caps made of aluminium as an alternative to the usual plastics that are used with laboratory bottles. Two versions are available; a GL 45 cap with liner, and an open topped GL 45 cap for use with a septum. The aluminium caps perfectly fit the full range of DURAN®

GL 45 bottle capacities from 100 ml to 20 Litres. Aluminium offers superior barrier qualities that protect against light, moisture, oxygen, and other gases. These excellent barrier properties has meant that aluminium has had a long history of safe usage in food and pharmaceutical packaging. In the U.S. FDA has determined aluminium to be GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe).

Many scientists around the world studying microplastic formation and dispersal rely on DURAN® glass laboratory bottles in their research. Alistair Rees, Product Manager commented: “The new aluminium lab bottle caps from DWK reduce the risk of false positives, as they are free of hydrocarbon-based plastics”.

Using metals in closures offers other benefits such as a wide range of temperature tolerances and a high mechanical strength. The high temperature resistance means that aluminium caps will withstand both thermal depyrogensation and hot air sterilization. At the other end of the temperature scale, their excellent low-temperature stability makes them suitable for cryogenic applications.


Über die DWK Life Sciences GmbH

DWK Life Sciences is a leading global manufacturer of premium laboratory and storage solutions for a wide range of scientific and technical applications.

The DWK Life Sciences offering includes over 25,000 laboratory products, manufactured at 12 sites, and marketed under the highly recognized brands DURAN®, WHEATON® and KIMBLE®. Its world-leading and trusted glass is complemented by an innovative research and life science portfolio.

Worldwide, 1,700 people are dedicated to developing and delivering superior products and services that focus on the needs of our customers in drug discovery, life science and industrial markets.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

DWK Life Sciences GmbH
Hattenbergstraße 10
55122 Mainz
Telefon: +49 (6131) 1445 4131
Telefax: +49 (6131) 1445 4016

Kathrin Steinmann
Telefon: +49 (6131) 14454326
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