Extension of cable protection range
Within its Brace® cable protection range, WISKA now offers further variants of its own in-house fitting innovation: The existing standard BraceFitting is supplemented by new adaptors for the extension of corrugated pipes and Y- and T-connectors. The new versions also fulfil all the quality features of the standard, including the high protection class of IP 68, delivery in a completely assembled one-piece component, the directly injected seal and the innovative 360° clasp mechnanism. All these features ensure a high degree of safety and at the same time very easy installation and convenient maintenance, manufactured with the high plastics competence at WISKA. The non-metallic fittings are also available with metal connecting thread or (EMC) cable gland, as 45° or 90° angle and pressure compensation variant with the own VentGLAND®. The Brace® cable protection range is part of WISKA’s comprehensive assortment of cable entries, including also cable glands, grommets and cable entry systems for trade and industry. Full details on wiska.com
Über die WISKA Hoppmann GmbH
Founded in Hamburg in 1919, we are today one of the leading manufacturers of electrical equipment, lighting products and CCTV video surveillance for trade, industry and shipbuilding. We operate our own research and development facilities and production plants next door at our headquarters in Germany. Our global sales network of representatives and subsidiaries ensure a quick and personal on-site customer service for you. The WISKA Group today employs 260 people worldwide. www.wiska.com
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
WISKA Hoppmann GmbH
Kisdorfer Weg 28
24568 Kaltenkirchen
Telefon: +49 (4191) 508-0
Telefax: +49 (4191) 508-129
Anja Lange
Leiterin Marketing
Telefon: +49 (4191) 508-503
Fax: +49 (4191) 508-209
E-Mail: a.lange@wiska.de
Leiterin Marketing
Telefon: +49 (4191) 508-503
Fax: +49 (4191) 508-209
E-Mail: a.lange@wiska.de
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