Fogra Web Academy: A new training option!
This is something that is truer for our industry than virtually any other as it undergoes more technological change than ever before. It is no wonder then that one of the top priorities of Fogra Research Institute for Media Technologies is to deliver up to the minute training that is totally focused on industry practice.
In order to be able to offer Fogra training worldwide, the institute is launching the Fogra Web Academy. Every Monday from September 2020 onwards there will be an online training course at 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. CET/CEST focusing on either the Fundamentals of printing and media technology or a Special industry topic. Dialogue will be a particular feature of these English language courses. Participants will not just follow the presentation on their screens but will be able to ask questions and engage in live discussions with the course leader.
The 2020/21 Academy will launch in September with a total of 15 sessions in 2 Blocks of Fundamentals or Specials. The sessions cover basic topics such as colour and printing technology including standardization strategies and the materials used, but also current special topics such as 3D printing and digital transformation. The individual topics are published on the Fogra website www.fogra.org.
In order to participate, companies need to register and pay a flat rate that covers the 2 blocks. Any number of a company’s employees can then take part in the Fogra Web Academy sessions. If an employee takes part in at least half the sessions then he or she will receive an attendance certificate. Optionally, participants can take a test at the end of each block and if they pass they will receive a graduation certificate (Fogra Graduate Fundamentals or Fogra Graduate Specials). As further recognition, all graduates will be listed on the Fogra Graduates platform.
The flat rate price for companies depends on their size. For those with up to 100 employees the price for the two blocks is €495 (Fogra members) or €707 (non-members). Larger companies will pay an additional price. For details and booking, go to: www.fogra-shop.com/…
Fogra Forschungsinstitut für Medientechnologien e.V.
Einsteinring 1a
85609 Aschheim b. München
Telefon: +49 (89) 43182-0
Telefax: +49 (89) 43182-100
Marketing & Communications
Telefon: +49 (89) 43182-251
Fax: +49 (89) 43182-100
E-Mail: lohmaier@fogra.org