Reisen & Urlaub

Frankfurt Airport: More Destinations Planned from June

Flight services at Frankfurt Airport are being stepped up significantly from the first week in June. They will focus on connections between cities in Europe, but flights to popular vacation destinations will also increase. For instance, various airlines plan to resume multiple weekly connections to Majorca (6). Further long-haul destinations are also being added to the timetables. The included table shows the flights currently scheduled at Frankfurt Airport. Daily capacity is now up to around 26,000. This is around 10 percent of the previous year’s figure. The airport operator expects a gradual build-up of flight services in the weeks ahead. However, as overall volumes remain well below last year’s levels due to the coronavirus pandemic, Terminal 1 will remain the focal point of all passenger handling activities for the time being.

Airlines reserve the right to change flight services at short notice. Passengers should always check the latest information from their airline before traveling. They are also advised to look up the current travel advice of the German Federal Foreign Office. In addition, the flight schedule at contains details of the status of scheduled take-offs and landings.

Frankfurt Airport has been ready to step up flight operations since mid-May. Airport operator Fraport has implemented extensive anti-infection measures in the areas currently in use in Terminal 1, in line with all health authority regulations. Click here for further details.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Fraport AG – Frankfurt Airport Services Worldwide
Flughafen Frankfurt am Main
60547 Frankfurt
Telefon: +49 (69) 690-0
Telefax: +49 (69) 078001

Christian Engel
Sprecher Infrastrukturthemen und Terminal 3-Projektkommunikation
Telefon: +49 (69) 690-30713
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