Polin Waterparks Introduces Next Level Image Recognition Technology: AIPIX
For ages, waterparks and amusement parks have been family favorite destinations and it’s not just because of the thrilling rides or amazing food, it’s because of the overall experience and the memories it creates. And that’s exactly what keeps guests returning to the same parks! That’s why capturing those memories and making them long-lasting is so invaluable. With AIPIX, it’s easier than ever for guests and owners to capture more experiences in action than ever before!
AIPIX is a next-level image recongition technology that is much more comlicated and advanced than the common face recognitions systems that need a clear portrait shot to properly detect the individual. With its specially developed artificial intelligence architecture, AIPIX can detect the individual even if their eyes are closed, face is partially blocked or if they are widely screaming. With the strategically placed cameras, owners can capture these memories in real time, live videos, stills and from the best points of view.
Unique Benefits
VISITOR’S ENGAGEMENT: Very easy, extremely smart and user friendly interface that allows visitors to explore, buy, and share by using only their "selfie".
SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING: Visitors can instantly share their experiences in their social media posts which provides parks with instant, natural and free social media marketing.
INSTANT AND LONG LASTING MEMORIES: With the instant uploads to the visitors phone, it allows them to spend more time, and money, in the park rather than standing in long lines at the end of the ride waiting for their photos to upload for purchase. These instant images can be purchased now, or later which provides long lasting memories and revenue.
INCREASE BUSINESS INSIGHTS: AIPIX can provide personalised and general insight and data analytics to owners including usages, gender, age, locations, time and even relations.
NO CAPITAL EXPENSES: This unique business model provides park owners with a cutting-edge image recongition technology, professional installation and an instant revenue stream without any up front costs.
COMPATIBLE WITH ALL SMART PHONES, HANDS FREE: AIPIX’s technology is compatible with all smart phones and instantly uploads photos and videos to visitors for their viewing and purchasing. This instant upload also allows visitors to put down their phones and just enjoy the ride.
Polin was founded in Istanbul in 1976 and has since grown into a leading company in the water parks industry. Today Polin is a world leader in the design, engineering, manufacturing, and installation of water parks and water-play attractions. Polin has completed more than 3,000 waterpark projects in 108 countries around the world and is the biggest water slide supplier in Eurasia. Working with a wide variety of clients has helped Polin reach several milestones including installing the first water parks in many countries and many other award-winning rides at parks with world-renowned reputations. [url=http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001y1gwP_a34cJ3kABoy30LhqgwEpAkc8W5tVBzu4RX76aTDOtcWOfzpEW8CVakAdr7BrSfmJXAAnLnMSsJoSxbFpTrWpUm3UENQZUmY8ErwfIbgJ0jXsad5FRg8pxqgJJ5YgLKK9i9vqmVG6pEUJuSDaLwtTvORhb1Xj6PvIt92Mn1bX-Z5AFDTn5JEWHbEA3toqXvmHoEplYqNp5A1FOIS4Pmu9DGLr-QuRnrabFX0E4=&c=_apLi9T7z8ifXiJsJMMV4hGY5Fw_Hz1duvAPved4SfHQK_owBFathQ==&ch=W58HU8bs1tMnVTbjupKjFuPEHfcIoA_e314BCvtoCnVre9XsdbHMtQ==]More[/url]
Polin Waterparks /Gebkim OSB
Refik Baydur 6
TR41480 Dilovasi/Kocaeli
Telefon: +90 (262) 6566467
Telefax: +90 (262) 65664-75
Telefon: +90 (262) 65664-67
E-Mail: sohret.pakis@polin.com.tr