Seat. And space. »LONELY RIDER« adventure package
Experience has shown that enduro riders who have traveled on intercontinental or even world tours rely on a seat that is comfortable and active in every respect and use the rest of the large travel enduro to fit luggage, tent, tools and provisions tightly on the motorcycle. Their motorcycles, mostly BMWs, are inspired by the bold style of the legendary Paris-Dakar racers. It is striking that, if they are consistent, they do without the passenger seat. Not primarily to save weight, but rather to create more space for the necessary luggage. This could always be implemented well with a GS, because Wunderlich always had a solo seat in the program. However, it was not uncommon for such GS to be equipped with crude luggage racks.
This allowed luggage to be placed close to the overall center of gravity, closer to the rider and lower than with a conventional luggage rack. The advantage is obvious: the arrangement is beneficial for handling, not only on tar, but especially if the route leads over gravel roads, dunes or unpaved trials, especially if the heavy load had to be maneuvered in rough terrain.
Wunderlich has put together the appropriate package called “LONELY RIDER” for friends of this style as part of EDITION 35: It consists of the tried-and-tested, classic, super comfortable, long-distance-compatible AKTIVKOMFORT rider´s seat, suitable for all liquid-cooled GS from 2013, i.e. for all R 1200 GS LC and R 1250 GS as well as the respective adventure variants. It can be used to ride excellently even when standing. In addition, the robust and high-quality luggage rack, which, and this is guaranteed by the BMW specialists from Grafschaft, is made of 4 mm aluminum and certainly not undersized. It creates space for the next adventure. It offers numerous lashing options. Typical Wunderlich: The luggage holder can be easily inserted into the standard frame holder of the passenger seat without tools. Locking is also similar to the passenger seat. With this, the change between luggage rack and passenger seat is done quickly. And vice versa, of course!
A GS converted with the Wunderlich package with a single seat and luggage rack gives it its very own, daring, functional charm, a special style which, in its unexcited form, conveys the basic trust that is needed when it comes to a ride around the world. Wunderlich is not just about style and appearance. The tried and tested, high-quality Wunderlich components are Made in Germany and keep what they promise. That is why the specialists for high-quality BMW motorcycle accessories provide a five-year warranty. The price for the adventure package is € 499.00*. This makes the Wunderlich EDITION 35 package more affordable than the individual components.
42720-011 – Wunderlich rider seat & luggage rack EDITION 35
»LONELY RIDER« Adventure package (€ 499*)
*Prices may vary from country to country
Web links:
Wunderlich Lonely rider Adventure package
Wunderlich offers high-quality accessories for a wide range of applications (tour, sport heritage, roadster and of course adventure) for all current and many older BMW motorcycle model series. Further information can be found at https://www.wunderlich.de/en/.
Wunderlich GmbH
Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Str. 6 – 8
53501 Grafschaft-Ringen
Telefon: +49 (2641) 3082-0
Telefax: +49 (2641) 3082-208
Prokurist / Leitung Produktmanagement und Entwicklung
Telefon: +49 (2641) 3082-600
E-Mail: f.wunderlich@wunderlich.de