Shifting from assumptions to evidence-based business decisions with geodata from Michael Bauer International GmbH
As a dynamic product, geodata constantly change
A planning basis with up-to-date data is essential for business decisions. Outdated data can lead to incorrect evaluations and consequently cost-intensive mistakes in decision making. Leading retail companies rely on MBI data to make future-proof location decisions as part of their location analysis. The basis of success for every company is the ideal location, which is profitable in the long run. Essential data for this planning are, for instance, socio-demographic data such as population, households, age structure, target groups and purchasing power, as well as company-specific data. At the geographic area level, these data sets provide the basis for prognoses of the economic success and attractiveness of a location through sales forecasts.
Ray Roberts-York, Managing Director of Michael Bauer International GmbH explains: “The best location concept will never be successful if the target group is not reached, if there’s no potential or the distances are too far for customers. The most expensive location does not necessarily have to be the optimal location for the target group. Using actual key figures and up-to-date geodata from the extensive MBI portfolio supports companies worldwide in these complex decisions.”
MBI data offering in numbers, release 2020
Geo experts and statisticians at MBI are continuously working on the improvement, adaptation and micro level expansion of the global map and databases.
Current number of countries worldwide: 248
Current number of area boundaries (polygones) worldwide (per area level):
Postal: over 367.000
Administrative: over 196.000
Micro geographic: over 3.000.000
Current number of variables (socio-demographic and economic): over 200
By default, MBI offers vector-based boundaries in .shp (ESRI), .tab (MapInfo), MIF / MID and .gdb (GeoDataBase) format. Standard data formats for purchasing power and socio-demographic data are Tab delimited file (TXT), Access database (MDB) and Excel (xls).
MBI geographic data – globally consistent and comparable
Being a specialist for small-scale data for Geomarketing, Michael Bauer International has grown to one of the largest global data providers for over ten years. MBI unites passion and scientific know-how to provide globally consistent and comparable geographic data.
Today MBI is not only recognized as a key data source but is also the preferred data provider for the largest leading GIS software and technology companies globally. For a vast variety of companies, MBI’s data is the foundation for location-based questions related to company locations as well as branch and distribution networks. MBI mobile data offers valuable insights into the global consumer behavior and their customer journey.
Companies from all industries are supplied with up-to-date data for market analyses and visualization by MBI, to take informed and data-based decisions.
Both Michael Bauer Research GmbH and Michael Bauer Micromarketing GmbH are part of the Michael Bauer Group.
For more information please visit www.mbi-geodata.com
Michael Bauer International GmbH
Greschbachstr. 12
76229 Karlsruhe
Telefon: +49 (721) 1618566
Telefax: +49 (721) 94540496
Head of Marketing
Telefon: +49 (721) 46470342
Fax: +49 (721) 94540496
E-Mail: nadja.schwannauer@mbi-geodata.com