The mpSmart
Shocking facts
According to international standards, the tolerance of the flow rate for drugs is high with ±15%. In addition, the application under daily life-circumstances is difficult to realize. Elastomer pumps have a concave pressure profile: the flow rate is higher than the set value at the beginning and lower at the end. Therefore medication is under- and overdosed.
Further issues such as system plugging can only be detected by human monitoring. Due to various factors, such as viscosity and temperature, elastomer pumps are very specifically adapted to drugs.
Consequently, a better alternative that is affordable, effective and meets all quality standards is required.
An intelligent alternative
Bartels Mikrotechnik designed a solution: a complex and intelligent system that allows a regulation of flow rates for different media with highest precision – regardless of temperature and viscosity. The mpSmart.
By combining the commercially available Bartels mp6 micropump and the SENSIRION (LD20 / SFLS3S) liquid flow sensor, a controlled and cost-effective system was created. A suitable Bluetooth device can be used for adjustment and control. mpSmart also features time-saving automatic data transfer with immediate documentation. Because of the significantly better adjustment and regulation possibilities the system can be used easily and properly by different users.
Due to the big advantages and cost-efficient concept, mpSmart can revolutionize the market as a smart pharma-packaging with high quality standard.
Why should today’s medicine not use the possibilities of today? The mpSmart shows: Affordable and better is possible now.
This video on YouTube is the best way to understand how the mpSmart works.
Basierend auf seinem MST Know-how bietet Bartels Mikrotechnik branchenübergreifend innovative Technologien und kundenspezifische Produktlösungen an. Langjährige Erfahrung auf dem Gebiet der Mikrosystemtechnik, speziell der Mikrofluidik, und ein leistungsstarkes Partnernetzwerk zeichnen das Unternehmen aus. In der fruchtbaren Kombination aus Entwicklungsdienstleistungen und der Arbeit an eigenen Produkten generiert das Team von Bartels Mikrotechnik Wissen und IP, von denen alle Kunden profitieren.
Auf der Hannover Messe zeigt Bartels Mikrotechnik das Innovationspotenzial der Mikrofluidik anhand von im Kundenauftrag realisierten Projekten sowie am Beispiel der Eigenprodukte Mikropumpe und Mikroventil.
Bartels Mikrotechnik GmbH
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44263 Dortmund
Telefon: +49 (231) 47730-500
Telefax: +49 (231) 47730-501
Bartels Mikrotechnik GmbH
Telefon: +49-231-47730-500
Fax: +49-231-47730-501
E-Mail: info@bartels-mikrotechnik.de
Bartels Mikrotechnik GmbH
Telefon: +49-231-47730-500
Fax: +49-231-47730-501
E-Mail: kremer@bartels-mikrotechnik.de