An overview of various methods of data exchange
What’s bothering? The data owner cannot administer, i.e. set up, track, control or even revoke data releases on his own. He runs the risk of losing more and more control over his own data and networks. In turn, the data subscriber is dependent on his service providers networking their fleets with numerous open visibility platforms.
Since transport and logistics processes are as individual as every single company behind them, it is difficult to fit into a defined standard process. NIC-place therefore acts differently from its competitors in the market. For the challenges listed above, we provide our customers with optimized and self-administering tools that enable secure and demand-oriented data exchange with maximum control – regardless of whether the transport is planned by the customer or by the service provider itself. Naturally with the same purpose of creating transparency for those involved along the supply chain:
Approval for data sharing by data provider
Permanent data sharing of vehicles: "Permanent" means that the asset data will be shared 24/7 as long as the release exists. The permanent access to data is particularly interesting for companies with a fixed pool of subcontracted vehicles that are scheduled by the customer.
Data sharing of vehicles for tours: "For tours" means that asset data is only shared during an ongoing transport, so-called tour. This type of data sharing is suitable for use with recurring subcontractors whose transports are planned by the ordering party. Data release is linked to entering loading and unloading addresses coupled with time frames.
Tour release via weblink: This method of data sharing creates transparency for third parties by means of a link that can be generated per transport. This enables the transport company to provide its customers with an uncomplicated insight into the process of the transport – without any technical hurdles.
Request for data sharing by data subscriber
You are planning loading and unloading points and routes, but you do not know the asset that will carry out the transport on your behalf? No problem, you can simply digitally ask your subcontractor via data request to assign the appropriate vehicle license plate number to the tour. The data is then shared once only during the defined transport.
GPS data via Tourdriver App: This method of data sharing is especially useful for spot market subcontractors that do oneway transports for your company and where the telematics data is not available short term from the asset. The link is opened in a customizable App and contains all relevant data to automatically track the tour.
A detailed look at the individual methods of data sharing will be presented in our next post. Stay tuned and learn everything you need to know about digital and secure data sharing!
NIC-place bietet Softwarelösungen für die Transport- und Logistikbranche, die ganzheitlich auf die gegenwärtigen Anforderungen an Transparenz im Transportwesen abgestimmt sind. Das Data Control Center von NIC-place bietet einen einzigartigen und völlig neuen Ansatz für das Teilen von Daten. Es ermöglicht den Kunden die Teilnahme am vernetzten Logistik-Ökosystem, während sie gleichzeitig die Kontrolle über ihr eigenes privates Carrier-Netzwerk behalten. NIC-place ist Marktführer im Bereich temperaturgeführter und high value Transporte sowie in der Schienenlogistik und ist bekannt für sein tiefes und solides Telematikwissen. Die Lösung wurde im Januar 2018 gelauncht, die Wurzeln gehen jedoch bereits auf die Gründung der kasasi GmbH im Jahr 2009 zurück.
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87439 Kempten
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Marketing & Kommunikation
Telefon: +49 (831) 6971745-19
E-Mail: k.bregler@nic-place.com