„CDS takes Touchscreens to the Next Level of Safety with Anti-Bacterial Films“
Over the last decade we have seen a massive increase in the number of touch screens being used in so many different business areas. This includes process control, gaming machines, check in systems, electronic point of sale and kiosks. We have seen fast food restaurants introducing pre-order touch screens and vending machines migrating to touch screens as the user interface.
There have been numerous reports about the cleanliness of using a touch screen and the COVID-19 pandemic has raised this even further. Touch screens are clearly here to stay, but it is important to ensure that they are as safe to use a possible. There are different approaches to how to give the user more protection. Like many other suppliers, CDS have looked at the air-touch approach. This is where the touch controllers are tuned so the touch is activated when the fingers hovers slightly over the front surface as the touch point can be calibrated 5mm away from the glass. Although an interesting concept, we dismissed this as if someone is about to order a hamburger or coffee, the time vs motor control will not be that accurate to allow for this – ultimately we feel in the majority of cases the finger will still touch the surface of the screen.
CDS investigated applying a surface finish containing a silver nanoparticle coating which is known for its ability to kill bacteria and other microbes by rupturing the bacteria’s cell wall and destroying its structure. This is effectively the same as a soaping or detergent effect. We have Anti-bacterial test results to BS EN ISO 22196 available showing a positive resistance against E-Coil ATCC 8739, MRSA NCTC 12493, Klebsiella Pnuemoniae ATCC 4352 and Streptococcus pyogenes ATCC 19615 at various incubation times (30min / 1 hr / 24 hrs). These test results are available on request.
Although testing is not possible against a Viruses, there are also scientific papers suggesting that silver nanoparticles are active against several type of viruses. Note that without proven tests CDS do not promote this as an anti-viral product. Links to these papers are available on request
CDS can now offer this silver nanoparticle coating protection in two formats; firstly, as a new build with the coating applied to the surface of the glass by the glass manufacturer. If you have an existing touchscreen component or monitor supply from either CDS or another supplier, we are happy to support you with a protected upgrade. If you are purchasing from another source, all we require is a drawing or better still a sample of your current product, we have the ability to rapidly produce a form fit function upgraded product with the CDS-ABF technology.
Secondly, CDS can supply the CDS-ABF technology in a film format which can be applied to existing product, either as a factory upgrade or even onsite installation. The film is available in two formats, both have a 2H anti-scratch, anti-finger print surface finish (naturally with the silver nanoparticle anti-bacterial coating), but the surface finish can be either optically clear (OC) or anti-glare (AG).
The finished film is a 0.12mm thick including base silicone adhesive, PET layer and surface hard coat layer with silver nanoparticles. It is supplied with a rear release film for simple application and a surface protection tape. Each film is precisely CNC cut to the exact shape and size, and can include radiused corners, cut-outs etc. We can supply this for all shapes of display including, traditional formats as well as round screens and panoramic stretch screens.
For more information contact our touch screen specialists at CDS where we can support you at whatever level you need, from retrofit films to full bespoke designed monitor.
Please visit – https://crystal-display.com/products/anti-bacterial-touchscreeen-films/ for more information.
Contact CDS to discuss further and to review their more comprehensive touch screen data on info@crystal-display.com or call their UK office +44 (0) 1634 791 600.
There have been numerous reports about the cleanliness of using a touch screen and the COVID-19 pandemic has raised this even further. Touch screens are clearly here to stay, but it is important to ensure that they are as safe to use a possible. There are different approaches to how to give the user more protection. Like many other suppliers, CDS have looked at the air-touch approach. This is where the touch controllers are tuned so the touch is activated when the fingers hovers slightly over the front surface as the touch point can be calibrated 5mm away from the glass. Although an interesting concept, we dismissed this as if someone is about to order a hamburger or coffee, the time vs motor control will not be that accurate to allow for this – ultimately we feel in the majority of cases the finger will still touch the surface of the screen.
CDS investigated applying a surface finish containing a silver nanoparticle coating which is known for its ability to kill bacteria and other microbes by rupturing the bacteria’s cell wall and destroying its structure. This is effectively the same as a soaping or detergent effect. We have Anti-bacterial test results to BS EN ISO 22196 available showing a positive resistance against E-Coil ATCC 8739, MRSA NCTC 12493, Klebsiella Pnuemoniae ATCC 4352 and Streptococcus pyogenes ATCC 19615 at various incubation times (30min / 1 hr / 24 hrs). These test results are available on request.
Although testing is not possible against a Viruses, there are also scientific papers suggesting that silver nanoparticles are active against several type of viruses. Note that without proven tests CDS do not promote this as an anti-viral product. Links to these papers are available on request
CDS can now offer this silver nanoparticle coating protection in two formats; firstly, as a new build with the coating applied to the surface of the glass by the glass manufacturer. If you have an existing touchscreen component or monitor supply from either CDS or another supplier, we are happy to support you with a protected upgrade. If you are purchasing from another source, all we require is a drawing or better still a sample of your current product, we have the ability to rapidly produce a form fit function upgraded product with the CDS-ABF technology.
Secondly, CDS can supply the CDS-ABF technology in a film format which can be applied to existing product, either as a factory upgrade or even onsite installation. The film is available in two formats, both have a 2H anti-scratch, anti-finger print surface finish (naturally with the silver nanoparticle anti-bacterial coating), but the surface finish can be either optically clear (OC) or anti-glare (AG).
The finished film is a 0.12mm thick including base silicone adhesive, PET layer and surface hard coat layer with silver nanoparticles. It is supplied with a rear release film for simple application and a surface protection tape. Each film is precisely CNC cut to the exact shape and size, and can include radiused corners, cut-outs etc. We can supply this for all shapes of display including, traditional formats as well as round screens and panoramic stretch screens.
For more information contact our touch screen specialists at CDS where we can support you at whatever level you need, from retrofit films to full bespoke designed monitor.
Please visit – https://crystal-display.com/products/anti-bacterial-touchscreeen-films/ for more information.
Contact CDS to discuss further and to review their more comprehensive touch screen data on info@crystal-display.com or call their UK office +44 (0) 1634 791 600.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Crystal Display Systems
Knight Road
ME2 2BF Rochester, Kent
Telefon: +44 (1634) 292025
Meghan Mudge
Office Manager
Telefon: +44 (1634) 327420
E-Mail: mudge@crystal-display.com
Office Manager
Telefon: +44 (1634) 327420
E-Mail: mudge@crystal-display.com
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