Compart launches web-based multi-format viewing software DocBridge® Document Viewer
Metadata (e.g. from AFP) or print control data (e.g. trays, duplex) are also displayed. There are no restrictions regarding file size (number of pages) and number of users.
A free software trial is available here: www.compart.com/en-US/docbridge-document-viewer-software-trial
DocBridge® Document Viewer is primarily aimed at companies who are looking for a multi-format view solution for high or frequently changing throughput of different documents which they can easily integrate directly into existing applications and workflows. The application can be scaled as required depending on the existing document volume and number of users.
DocBridge® Document Viewer only needs to be installed once on a central company server. Users access the high-performance application directly from their workstation via a browser. The time-consuming and cost-intensive maintenance of a desktop application is therefore no longer necessary and confidential files do not have to be copied or downloaded by employees to their local computer to view them.
A special feature of DocBridge® Document Viewer is its architecture: the Compart solution has a comprehensive JavaScript API which allows easy integration into existing web applications and therefore can be quickly and easily integrated into existing IT infrastructures.
It is precisely this high level of integration capability in all conceivable systems which is a major advantage of the software. It enables, for example, the clerk in an insurance company or commercial register to view and edit all documents directly on the screen – regardless of the format of the document, the specialist application the user is working with and without the installation of software or a browser plug-in.
Even for companies which increasingly receive documents via web portals or make them available to their customers, DocBridge® Document Viewer is a worthwhile alternative to conventional viewer offers due to its architecture, performance and wide range of file formats.
The advantages of the Compart solution also include simple administration and maintenance: all changes and functional enhancements (for example in the course of release changes) are imported once and are automatically available to all users after implementation. There is therefore no need for updates at the individual workstations (clients).
As DocBridge® Document Viewer is based on the proven DocBridge® CORE Engine, all input formats of the Compart Matrix are supported. The user receives a uniform view of all these file formats.
Further features:
- Display of over 70 different file formats such as image and page formats (e.g. PDF, AFP, PCL, PostScript) including Microsoft Word (DOCX), various data formats such as text, XML or JSON and many source codes such as C, Java, JavaScript.
- In conjunction with the DocBridge Conversion Hub, approx. 40 additional data formats can be displayed directly and completely transparently for the user
- Support of modern smartphone image formats.
- Navigation via table of contents and hyperlinks within a document.
- Fast and comfortable search function with optimized navigation even in extensive documents.
- Multi-tab viewer for displaying many documents simultaneously.
- Permanent development towards annotations, content analysis and OCR.
Compart is an internationally active manufacturer of software for omnichannel customer communication. The company, with headquarters in Böblingen, has been present in the market for more than two decades and has branches in Europe and North America.
The scalable, platform-independent and easy-to-integrate solutions cover the entire cycle of document and output management for companies and public authorities – from the digital processing of incoming mail to the creation, conversion, modification and bundling of documents to postage-optimized mailings to dispatch or display on every digital and analog communication channel available today. They can also be operated in the private and public cloud and enable the problem-free connection of external systems or specific functions and services from third-party providers via open programming interfaces (API).
The company is actively involved in the development of standards in document and output management and is regarded worldwide as an innovation driver. More than 1,400 customers in almost 50 countries from various industries (including banking, insurance, utilities, public administration, telecommunications and logistics) use software from Compart. Compart is also a technology partner for numerous leading manufacturers in industry.
Compart AG
Otto-Lilienthal-Str. 38
71034 Böblingen
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E-Mail: carsten.luedtge@compart.com
Compart North America
E-Mail: scott.gerschwer@compart.com