First ever virtual interactive 18th EMVA Business Conference on 26 June
- online speeches,
- interactive Q&A and
- pre-scheduled virtual face-to-face meetings
More info and registration at
The first ever virtual 18th EMVA Business Conference on 26 June provides a mix of top-notch presentation topics and speakers together with the long missed possibility to directly interact with other conference participants.
“As a reaction to the social distancing measures the EMVA has chosen to not simply cancel the 2020 EMVA Business Conference originally planned to take place in Sofia, Bulgaria, but hold it as virtual edition. In this first ever online format of the conference we offer presentations at the usual high level of the EMVA Business Conference format as well as webinar Q&A features”, explains EMVA General Manager Thomas Lübkemeier and adds: “What makes this virtual conference a truly unique event is the additional opportunity for all participants to book individual bilateral face-to-face video networking meetings during the conference breaks. Not only are these meetings part of the DNA of each physical EMVA Business Conference; but we are especially happy to provide that format online this year since such individual face-to-face meeting opportunities have become so rare in the Covid-19 shutdown.”
Diverse conference program
The conference program dives deep into currently discussed machine vision topics. The presentations are titled “New Approaches to 3D vision”; “Vision-based Autonomous Navigation”; “Artificial Intelligence Learning at the Edge — Application to Integration-Free Quality Control”; “Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Automated Visual Inspection”; and “Photonics & Machine Vision”. This lecture block is complemented by an EMVA outlook 2020/2021 and an EMVA “Vision Standards Executive Summary”.
In addition to that, anther speech refers indirectly to the challenges posted in Covid-19 talking about “B2B Selling in Remote Mode”; and the closing keynote addresses the socio-economic topic “Trust in the Age of Fake Realities – Why the Virtual Economy needs more Common Sense”. More information and registration for this unique conference event at
SAVE THE DATE – 19th EMVA Business Conference 2021
The next physical Business Conference is scheduled to take place 10 – 12 June 2021 in Sofia, Bulgaria. As part of this return to normalcy also the EMVA Young Professional Award will be awarded again in 2021.
The EMVA is a not for profit organization, open to all, which is owned by its members who represent over 120 companies, institutes, and organizations, originating from within Europe, North America, and Asia. The association seeks to represent the interests of its members and promote the vision industry in general, but also encourage cooperation and standardization. The EMVA hosts several important standards used throughout the machine vision industry including the GenICam series used to provide a consistent, device independent interface to machine vision hardware, the EMVA1288 standard used for bench-marking performance of industrial cameras, and the newly initiated Open Optics Camera Interface (OOCI) standard which addresses the connectivity of camera lenses within a machine vision system, and the new emVISION initiative addressing standardization within embedded vision systems. To find out more visit the web site
European Machine Vision Association
Ronda Santa Eulalia 37, nave 13
E08780 Palleja – Barcelona
Telefon: +34 (93) 1807060
Telefax: +34 (93) 1807060
Telefon: +34 (93) 1807060
Fax: +34 (93) 1807060