Individual laser marking for electronics enclosures
Company logos and equipment labels are applied permanently with this laser marking, and they are also water and smudge-proof. It is particularly practical for very small machine-readable markings such as QR codes or barcodes. Continuous marking can be carried out quickly, easily and cost-effectively. The use of a laser physically changes the colour of the surface. This makes it more resistant than printing on the enclosure. Laser marking involves a colour change on the surface. Dark and light plastic parts turn grey at the points to be marked. Suitable materials include: ABS, ASA+PC, ASA+PC-FR, PC, PA, PA GF and aluminium. Depending on the source material, the colours off-white, pebble grey, light grey, lava and black are suitable for particularly high-contrast marking. In addition to laser marking, OKW Gehäusesysteme offers photo-quality digital printing (up to 1800×1800 dpi) on surfaces with a height difference of up to 2.5 mm. Colour gradations and white as a full-tone colour are also possible. As with laser marking, set-up costs are lower than for conventional screen and tampo printing. These methods are therefore particularly suitable for small quantities.
In addition to the above mentioned processes, OKW Gehäusesysteme offers further processing and finishing techniques. These include, for example, mechanical processing for interfaces, high-quality UV-resistant 2-component varnishing, printing, decor foils, EMC vapour-plating or membrane keypads.
Gehäuse und Drehknöpfe
OKW bietet formschöne, ergonomisch günstige Standardgehäuse und Drehknöpfe aus Kunststoff und Aluminium für die OEM Elektro- und Elektronik-Industrie. Abgestimmt auf die jeweilige Kundenanwendung ergänzen funktionale Zubehörteile, eine EMV Aluminiumbeschichtung sowie elektromechanische Komponenten die Standard-Produkte auf vielfältige Weise. Bei Bedarf liefern wir die Gehäuse und Drehknöpfe einbaufertig – auch in kleinen Stückzahlen – nach Ihren Anforderungen und Wünschen.
Standard Electronic Enclosures and Potentiometer Tuning Knobs Smart ergonomic standard enclosures and potentiometer knobs for OEM electronics. OKW’s award-winning aesthetic designs will transform your products. View our huge range of plastic and aluminium cases as well as tuning knobs below. Our designs are highly versatile so you can find the cases you need quickly and easily. Products also include membrane keyboards; contacts and connections; EMC shielding; compatible parts (batteries, displays, emitters, potentiometers, screws etc.). All OKW enclosures can be customised to your precise requirements – even in low volumes – ready for your PCBs.
OKW Odenwälder Kunststoffwerke Gehäusesysteme GmbH
Friedrich-List-Str. 3
74722 Buchen
Telefon: +49 (6281) 404-00
Telefax: +49 (6281) 404-144
Telefon: +49 (0) 6281 404 192