
New Managing Director at German Real-Time Location & Sensor Data Service Provider

Andreas Radix starts as the new CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of IntraNav GmbH from 1 March 2020. As consequence of the strategic development and planned growth INTRANAV decided to expand the management board. "This became necessary for implementing our vision as a Real-Time Location & Sensor Data Service Provider with international operations to successfully implement the next steps of digitization for our customers", the founders Ersan Günes and Gonzalo Ibarra.

Andreas Radix has more than ten years of experience as Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer on an international level. Since joining IBM Global Services, he has held various management positions with successful consolidation and expansion of business units in the service sector.

"With the mission to implement the Digital Twin as essential part of the digitization of companies, we continue to position ourselves as a real-time location and sensor data service provider for industrial platforms. Thereby we are strengthening the digitization path of (intra-)logistics,logistics, automotive industry and production for a fast realization of the Smart Factory and Digital Supply Chain. We use the existing applications, systems and cloud platforms, including SAP, to implement real-time integrations smoothly and with a clear strategic focus in the ongoing digitization programs. INTRANAV provides sustainable support to companies in solving current challenges on the way to industrial digitization. In this way we contribute to deepening the value chain and enable the active expansion of competitiveness in Germany. I am looking forward to a very exciting time at INTRANAV – with an outlook on the timely realization of intelligent networking, control of transport vehicles, the use of Artificial Intelligence, as well as block chain integration within the global supply chain…” (Andreas Radix, CEO)

Über Inpixon

INTRANAV is a German Real-Time Location & Sensor Data Service Provider for industrial platforms for the integration of the Artificial Digital Twin. With the digitization and allocation of real-time position data of industrial goods, transport vehicles and people with centimeter accuracy, the INTRANAV RTLS IoT platform contributes to a significant increase in efficiency and process reliability through the automation of logistics and production processes, such as Auto-ID solutions, paperless factory, AGV management, vehicle navigation, real-time material flow and shop floor management, and thus to the realization of the smart factory or digital supply chain. In addition to real-time data applications for the Digital Twin, INTRANAV also provides big-data real-time location analyses from one platform suite, enabling companies to identify significant process optimizations and make data-based decisions. Customers and partners of INTRANAV are global companies such as Volkswagen, Daimler, SAP and DB Schenker.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Frankfurter Straße 27
65760 Eschborn
Telefon: +49 176 42752866

Madlen Schuster
Digital Marketing Manager
Telefon: +49 6196 2047184
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