Finanzen / Bilanzen

Proton Motor with hydrogen fuel cells in high-tech pioneering role

Corona stimulus package and „National Hydrogen Strategy“ – Germany is launching decarbonisation measures as part of the easing after the lockdown. The aim is to secure global leadership in hydrogen technology. The Bavarian hydrogen fuel cell expert “Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH” ( feels further encouraged by the decision of the Federal Cabinet on June 10, 2020 to be a high-tech, emission-free pioneer “Made in Germany”. The 2019 annual financial result, which has been published on June 23, 2020 by the English listed parent company “Proton Motor Power Systems plc”, confirms the context that hydrogen has a key role for the successful energy transition. Proton Motor with its visionary chief executive Dr. Faiz Nahab, relies in its more than 20-year history of the company on the energy source of the future to achieve its global climate goals. “Our corporate development offers the opportunity to combine renewable energies with sustainable industry in order to create crisis-proof jobs”, reports CEO Nahab, referring to the recently introduced participation method for employee shares.  Moreover his Director Sales & Marketing with expert know-how in the hydrogen fuel cells technology industry, Manfred Limbrunner (51), who joined Proton Motor in 2000 as a design and project engineer, is in the application process for the board position at Bruessels-located “Hydrogen Europe”.

The operational German subsidiary has continued to recruit new team members during the Covid-19 phase in order to increase the workforce to currently 90 employees. The price of the share listed on the London Stock Exchange (ticker symbol: PPS) has been responding to the potential impact on value creation and sales growth by more than 120 percent increase in value since the start of the current decade. In their latest large-scale stationary projects in the record-breaking quarter of 2020 – with an order intake of 6.4 million Euros – including the delivery of  the main component for the first European hydrogen power plant or the production for a planned residential district power station, the company in Puchheim score with excellence for CO2 free power generation and heating. In the automotive sector, in addition to the E-Trucks Europe order for e-waste collection vehicles, that are equipped with the HyRange® drive system developed by Proton Motor, there are follow-up orders for maritime and rail solutions.

Über die Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH

With more than 20 years of experience, internationally active Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH is Germany’s expert for energy solutions with cleantech technologies and a specialist in fuel cells in this field. Located in Puchheim near Munich, Proton Motor offers complete fuel cell and fuel cell hybrid systems from its own production – from development to production to the realisation of customer-specific solutions. Proton Motor focuses on stationary applications such as back-up power and energy storage solutions, as well as mobile solutions such as back-to-base applications. The solutions can also be applied in the maritime and rail sectors. The product portfolio includes basic fuel cell systems, standard complete systems and customised systems. The official commissioning of the new fuel cell stack machine to start the series production took place in September 2019.

Proton Motor is active in the stationary sector for customers in the IT, telecommunications, public infrastructure and healthcare sectors in Germany, Europe and the Middle East with power supply solutions for DC and AC demand. In addition to power supply, the SPower product range also offers solutions for solar systems as well as a new product line for the storage of solar energy. Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH, with currently 90 employees under the management of Mister Dr. Faiz Nahab, is a wholly owned subsidiary of “Proton Motor Power Systems plc” ( with headquarters in Newcastle upon Tyne, England. The company has been listed on the London Stock Exchange since October 2006 (ticker symbol: PPS).

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Proton Motor Fuel Cell GmbH
Benzstr. 7
82178 Puchheim
Telefon: +49 (89) 1276265-0
Telefax: +49 (89) 1276265-99

M.A. Ariane Günther
Telefon: +49 (89) 127 62 65-96
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