SparxSystems CE: NATO nations and partners rely on Enterprise Architect
The objective of the NATO Architectural Framework Version 4 (NAFv4) is to provide a standard for the development and description of architectures for both military and business purposes. The framework is designed to be expanded by NATO member states and partners according to their own requirements. Germany and Switzerland, for example, use this possibility to create their own views, e.g. requirement views, in their projects. Christian Freihoff, from the systems architect at the German Federal Armed Forces, and Beat Lang from the Swiss Armed Forces are working intensively on NAFv4 at NATO level and are responsible for national extensions: "Framework Version 4, which was released in January 2018, now contains its own methodology for the development of architectures and the implementation of architecture-related projects. The layout of the views and the document itself are clearer and easier to understand, which has significantly improved accessibility. Germany and Switzerland use Enterprise Architect as their standard modelling tool, but it is also widely used in other NATO nations and partners as well as in industry".
Peter Lieber, founder and owner of SparxSystems Central Europe: "Enterprise Architect is also popular with its more than 850,000 users for its ability to easily and quickly develop extensions for specific use cases using MDG technologies. We are very pleased that Christian Freihoff and Beat Lang have used this opportunity to bring additional benefits from NAFv4 to Germany and Switzerland. We are grateful that this extension is available free of charge to all interested parties to make the use of the framework even more interesting for others".
NAF is intended to ensure that the architectures developed under its auspices can be interlinked in many organisations, including NATO and other initiatives. Indeed, the traditional development approach has often led to a collection of disparate systems that have never been sufficiently interoperable. As a result, systems have not delivered the expected benefits of interoperability, operational robustness, cost reduction and flexibility for change. The NAFv4 MDG developed by Germany and Switzerland implements the UAF metamodel of the OMG.
NAFv4: architectural framework for military and business
- Common language for architects
- Unified architecture management
- Requirements for the description and presentation of architectural information
- Establish interoperability between architects
- Compatible with international standards of ISO/IEC/IEEE, TOG and OMG
Webinar: "Modeling NATO Architecture Framework with Sparx Enterprise Architect
10 June 2020, 11.00 a.m. – 12.00
The webinar shows the NATO Framework NAFv4 using the UAF Meta-Model. As a concrete application scenario, a civil, medical recall operation from Switzerland is presented. The MDG technology developed by Germany and Switzerland will be made available free of charge to all registered users after the webinar by SparxSystems Central Europe.
Christian Freihoff, German Federal Armed Forces
Beat Lang, Swiss Armed Forces
Peter Lieber, SparxSystems Central Europe
Sparx Systems Pty Ltd (Australia) was founded in 1996 and is the manufacturer of Enterprise Architect, a globally successful UML modeling platform. Enterprise Architect is used to design and build software systems, to model business processes and to model any process or system. Enterprise Architect in its current version 15 is valued by over 850,000 users for its performance at an unbeatable price. Enterprise Architect is an easy-to-understand, team-oriented modeling environment that supports companies in the analysis, design and creation of precisely traceable and documented systems. With the help of this tool, companies are enabled to centrally collect and display the often very distributed knowledge of teams and departments.
In order to offer the best service around Enterprise Architect to the numerous customers in their language and time zone, SparxSystems Software Central Europe was created in 2004, which supports the entire German-speaking region in the acquisition of licenses as well as through training and consulting.
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