Stargazing quality KPIs Across Your Factories (Webinar | Online)
Learn how to
- Use LineWorks SPACE to automate and standardize Quality KPI reports
- Streamline your Quality KPI reporting and reviewing processes
- Use LineWorks SPACE Dashboard to review your factory Quality KPIs
- Stargaze your Quality KPIs across all factories using LineWorks STARGATE
- Between factories, visualize and compare your processes, technology, equipment types, and more…
The attendance at the webinar is free of charge.
- Individuals working in the areas of:
- Plant Operations
- Quality
- Yield Improvement
- Product Development
- Users of LineWorks SPACE
LineWorks SPACE
LineWorks SPACE (Statistical Process Analysis & Control Environment) as camLine’s flagship, is a powerful infrastructure solution for advanced SPC that gives you complete control over production quality across all your manufacturing sites. Relied upon by a wide range of global manufacturers, it has become the de facto standard in the semiconductor industry for integrated Statistical Process Control. It interacts with multiple data sources and processes and provides many thousands of online and offline charts, simultaneously. It ensures the tracking of all your data by managing all operations with a centralized database according to the ISO 9001 standard.
To maximize the value of SPC, statistics should be examined on a regular basis in order to identify quality shortfalls and take the appropriate corrective action. LineWorks STARGATE (Statistical Trend Analysis and Reporting GATEway) provides a clear overview of performance indexes for production processes enabling you to quickly and easily assess rating and performance of your SPC activities.
Eventdatum: Donnerstag, 18. Juni 2020 09:00 – 10:00
Eventort: Online
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
Industriering 4a
85238 Petershausen
Telefon: +49 (8137) 935-0
Telefax: +49 (8137) 935-235
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