Task-related data requests by data subscriber
Flexible assignment of assets in case of transport
NIC-place also visualizes tours being done by subcontractors. Essential for this is the assignment of the right vehicle to the respective tour. The vehicle can be assigned directly when the tour is created. In this case, the tour initiator knows which asset will be used and the subcontractor has already provided the asset for free assignment. But what happens if you do not know which asset is going to do the tour? Exactly for this case NIC-place has created the so-called „Data Request”.
When a tour is entered in the system, a digital request is automatically sent to the subcontractor to assign the appropriate vehicle to the tour. The assignment is made by e-mail or directly in the Tourboard. Special tabs „sent data requests“ and “received data requests” show exactly where and which assets still have to be assigned, either by yourself or by the subcontractor.
Assets can be selected and registered with the according telematics system without previously being activated on NIC-place. The compact and clear presentation helps to ensure that nothing is forgotten in the midst of the daily business. For even more flexibility, assets can be easily switched up until the start of a tour.
Access to data without using telematics
Even short-term transports or tours carried out by assets without a telematics system can be tracked transparently. This method of data exchange is particularly useful for subcontractors on the spot market who carry out one-off transports for your company and where the telematics data is not available short term from the asset. By sending an e-mail request to a mobile phone that the driver carries with him, a link in the NIC-place "Tourdriver" App is opened. This contains all relevant data to automatically track the tour, including loading and unloading address and the expected timeslots. After approval by the driver, the GPS data is transmitted during a tour, ending automatically upon arrival in the End POI.
We hope we have helped you to gain a better understanding of our secure, digital data sharing processes. Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of any questions!
NIC-place bietet Softwarelösungen für die Transport- und Logistikbranche, die ganzheitlich auf die gegenwärtigen Anforderungen an Transparenz im Transportwesen abgestimmt sind. Das Data Control Center von NIC-place bietet einen einzigartigen und völlig neuen Ansatz für das Teilen von Daten. Es ermöglicht den Kunden die Teilnahme am vernetzten Logistik-Ökosystem, während sie gleichzeitig die Kontrolle über ihr eigenes privates Carrier-Netzwerk behalten. NIC-place ist Marktführer im Bereich temperaturgeführter und high value Transporte sowie in der Schienenlogistik und ist bekannt für sein tiefes und solides Telematikwissen. Die Lösung wurde im Januar 2018 gelauncht, die Wurzeln gehen jedoch bereits auf die Gründung der kasasi GmbH im Jahr 2009 zurück.
An der Stiftsbleiche 11
87439 Kempten
Telefon: +49 (831) 6971745-0
Marketing & Kommunikation
Telefon: +49 (831) 6971745-19
E-Mail: k.bregler@nic-place.com