3-in-1 logistics solution with carrier focus provides maximum supply chain visibility
NIC-place’s Data Control Center delivers an unique and totally new approach to data sharing. It is enabling customers to take part in the interconnected logistics ecosystem while still keeping control of their own private carrier network. Because all the tools and features included ensure secure, self-administerable sharing of asset, load and tour data. Digital cooperation with partners and the handling of numerous subcontractors or service providers has never been easier. As a central tool, the DCC also enables data sharing of consolidated telematics data with various third-party systems and other transport participants with maximum control.
NIC-place is the market-leader in temperature controlled and high value transports as well as in rail logistics and is well-known for its deep and solid telematic knowledge with extensive functionalities, which built the second service pillar. The real-time integration of telematics data from hundreds of connected systems takes place with maximum data depth. This enables comprehensive tracking, monitoring and analysis of technical values focused on quality and safety aspects in rail freight transport or for road business, such as EBS, temperatures, loading, door status, pressure, shock and mileage.
With the Tourboard, NIC-place provides a tool and a variety of features for an operative handling of active transport tasks in the company. Telematics data are intelligently combined with planning data to visualize and optimize logistical processes. The user gains insight into important transport information, such as estimated arrival times, actual departures, alarms in case of deviations from the target and waiting times at loading ramps.
The service range of NIC-place is available in different hosting variants to guarantee customers even more flexibility and control: The standard version as a closed network without disclosure of business relations, the hosting optimized solution as a stand-alone system with customer-specific servers and the locally installed solution in the customer’s own IT system for maximum security.
NIC-place bietet Softwarelösungen für die Transport- und Logistikbranche, die ganzheitlich auf die gegenwärtigen Anforderungen an Transparenz im Transportwesen abgestimmt sind. Das Data Control Center von NIC-place bietet einen einzigartigen und völlig neuen Ansatz für das Teilen von Daten. Es ermöglicht den Kunden die Teilnahme am vernetzten Logistik-Ökosystem, während sie gleichzeitig die Kontrolle über ihr eigenes privates Carrier-Netzwerk behalten. NIC-place ist Marktführer im Bereich temperaturgeführter und high value Transporte sowie in der Schienenlogistik und ist bekannt für sein tiefes und solides Telematikwissen. Die Lösung wurde im Januar 2018 gelauncht, die Wurzeln gehen jedoch bereits auf die Gründung der kasasi GmbH im Jahr 2009 zurück.
An der Stiftsbleiche 11
87439 Kempten
Telefon: +49 (831) 6971745-0
Marketing & Kommunikation
Telefon: +49 (831) 6971745-19
E-Mail: k.bregler@nic-place.com