Smartstore is once again setting new standards in e-commerce with the new version 4
With the new version 4, Smartstore presents many new, innovative features in addition to many small and large improvements in usability and performance.
Discover the highlights of Smartstore 4
Media manager:
The new central management tool for media
Manage all media such as images, videos, audio and PDF documents centrally with the new Media Manager. Structure your media in albums and folders or find the files you are looking for with the very fast search or filter function.
Prepare media optimally for SEO
In addition to the ALT attribute, which is essential for SEO, provide each medium with title and tags. With the comfortable multi-file uploader you simply load one or more files into the Media Manager via "Drag & Drop".
Rule Builder:
Automate your workflows with dynamic rules
The Rule Builder offers an intuitive and simple user interface for the creation of rules. With rules, you can organize dynamic processes related to products, customers and shopping cart.
Logically linked conditions
Logically linked conditions in groups enable an interlocking and complex segmentation. The data obtained in this way can be used, for example, to assign discounts dynamically or to assign products to merchandise groups automatically.
Personalized product recommendations:
Recommend successfully
Increase your sales and conversion rate with personalization. Provide real-time, personalized product recommendations based on each customer’s previous product, brand and category interactions.
Get the best results
You determine which products are to be displayed to each customer individually and in which order. You can influence thresholds and weightings through very fine configuration options. For example, you can adjust the sorting sequence so that high-priced products are displayed at the beginning.
Cookie Manager:
ECJ compliant cookie management
The new cookie manager follows the ECJ’s decision to obtain the active consent of website visitors by opt-in. Visitors of a Smartstore shop are pointed to necessary cookies and registered users can also allow or reject certain cookies at any time afterwards.
New rights system:
More rights areas and more differentiated rights
The new permissions system allows a very fine assignment of rights without limiting the productivity of your employees. Significantly more rights areas and more differentiated rights allow a very precise person- and role-specific assignment of rights. The assignment and control of rights takes place in the new visual editor in a hierarchically structured tree view.
Das Unternehmen Smartstore entwickelt bereits seit 1999 perfekte E-Commerce-Lösungen für national und international führende Online-Händler. Smartstore legt den Fokus auf kundenzentrische Geschäftsmodelle, neueste Technologien (Künstliche Intelligenz oder Headless) und höchstmögliche Benutzerfreundlichkeit. Somit können Smartstore Kunden ihr E-Commerce-Potential voll ausschöpfen. Das Dortmunder Unternehmen setzt auf Open-Source, REST API und Partner First – basierend auf Microsoft und „ASP.NET MVC“. Dank dieser modularen Architektur ist sie außerdem die ideale E-Commerce Plattform für C# und .NET Profis. Durch die starken Synergien im internationalen Netzwerk profitieren alle und jeder einzelne – laufende Erweiterungen (Plug-ins) zum Download inklusive.
Die Smartstore Vorteile: Flexibilität und Zuverlässigkeit der Open Source und API-First-Lösungen für ein schnelleres, flexibleres und kundenfreundlicheres Online-Unternehmen. Smartstore ist die beliebteste E-Commerce Lösung der ASP.NET Welt – kurzum für E-Commerce der neuen Generation.
Ready. Sell. Grow.
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Frau Aljona Sosun
Tel: +49 231 5335-0
Fax: +49 231 5335-101
SmartStore AG
Kaiserstr. 63-65
44135 Dortmund
SmartStore AG
Kaiserstraße 63-65
44135 Dortmund
Telefon: +49 (231) 5335-0
Telefax: +49 (231) 5335-101
Presse & Marketing
Telefon: +49 (231) 53350
Fax: +49 (231) 5335101
E-Mail: sosun@smartstore.com