ViGEM Certified According to ISO 14001
The environmental management of ViGEM includes the planning, control, monitoring, and improvement of all operational measures for the protection of the environment and employee management. The company-specific goals, requirements and measures were listed in an environmental management catalog. It includes, for example, the ongoing reduction of energy consumption and pollutant emissions, a multi-level waste hierarchy system, and the reduction of business trips to a necessary minimum. By promoting video conferencing and car-sharing, ViGEM contributes to reducing CO2 emissions and advancing global climate protection. To conserve natural resources during the development, production, and recycling of ViGEM products, the consumption of raw materials, energy, and water should be minimized, and waste quantities should be reduced. Besides, waste and residues, which inevitably arise in the course of product life cycles, must be disposed of in an environmentally friendly manner.
The ongoing implementation of these measures across all corporate divisions is ensured through employee training, continuing education, and the continuous improvement of processes. For the specialist in the field of electronics, both the certifications to ISO 14001 (environment) and ISO 9001 (quality seal) are pillars of an integrated management system and an important basis for building a partnership of trust with suppliers and customers.
The progress of the development of automated driver assistance systems (ADAS) and autonomous driving functions will depend on qualification and validation processes. For collecting, storing and transferring this big data, ViGEM developed comprehensive all-in-one solutions for customers in the automotive industry. The high-performance Car Communication Analyzer (CCA) solutions consist of CCA data loggers, robust removable data storages and flexible CCA copy stations.
The validation of ADAS and autonomous driving is one of the biggest challenges in the development of innovative mobility concepts. For this purpose, huge amounts of data must first be recorded in field tests during the validation phase before the start of production. Test vehicles of well-known automobile manufacturers cover millions of kilometers to record the most diverse traffic, weather and environmental situations in different countries. Until a few years ago, the storage, visualization and transmission of such large, uncompressed amounts of data was unimaginable, and even today it still poses the highest technical demands to the developers.
With the high-speed data loggers from the technology expert ViGEM, maximum data volumes can be recorded continuously and uncompressed in field tests, in the laboratory, and on the test bench. In order to validate the automated driving functions, the loggers record the raw data of real driving scenarios taken from radar and lidar systems, from high-resolution cameras and from all automotive standard buses. After the transfer to the cloud, the huge amounts of recorded, uncompressed raw data have to be analyzed fast and efficiently in order to incorporate them into intelligent, reliable software solutions or automated driving functions.
ViGEM GmbH is your powerful partner when it comes to qualifying and validating automated driver assistance systems, camera systems and vehicle wiring systems, as well as autonomous driving functionalities. As one of the leading manufacturers of high-performance data loggers, we have been significantly contributing to the development of innovative mobility concepts for over 10 years.
We support our customers in the development of their innovative products, for example in the production of individual prototypes, in the validation phase and in product adaptations. For this purpose, we develop integrated project-specific solutions consisting of high-performance CCA data loggers, robust removable data storages and powerful copy stations that set new standards in mobile measurement and diagnostic electronics.
ViGEM Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung
Zeppelinstraße 2
76185 Karlsruhe
Telefon: +49 (721) 90990-500
Telefax: +49 (721) 90990-699