Will Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection bring differentiation to the market?
With the formation of Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection, the market can indeed expect a major USP that sets it apart from existing players: the company has become the specialized brand in gas and flame detection, offering wide product knowledge and expertise in this niche area. A proven and extensive range of measurement, detection and wireless technologies, set alongside the unrivalled skills and innovation of employees who have been with the business for many years, can meet the needs of customers in all market segments. Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection is adopting a dedicated, one-stop supplier strategy that delivers the optimum solution for the application, every time.
Teledyne is not unfamiliar with this blueprint, as the Gas and Flame Detection business utilizes similar technology, which compliments its portfolio of environmental instrumentation products and services supplied to related markets and have proven to be highly successful for many years.
The high-quality products of Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection comprise both fixed and portable instruments designed for demanding applications in sectors such as oil & gas, food & beverage, marine and public utilities. These rugged yet reliable and precise gas and flame detection solutions offer fast response times, durability and intrinsically safe instrumentation, while satisfying multiple international certification standards.
Reliable products from an experienced business
Based on a culture of safety, the company has pledged to bring stability to the established brands of Oldham Simtronics, Gas Measurement Instruments (GMI), Detcon and the former Scott Safety gas detection range, which together have amassed over 100 years of experience across a wide range of standard and customized products, solutions and services.
Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection unifies these four industry leaders, creating a strategic insight that provides smart, first-in-class solutions with a future focus. Teledyne Detcon, for example, is a leader in fixed gas detection and innovative wireless solutions for use in harsh environments, while the Teledyne Oldham Simtronics brand specializes in high-end gas and flame detection solutions using advanced technologies and multi-market, cost-effective fixed gas detection solutions. The former Scott Safety gas and flame portfolio, now under the Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection brand, is rooted in the safety of people and plants in an industrial setting, and completing the picture Teledyne GMI is an expert in portable gas detection and a market leader in the gas distribution/utilities sector.
Every second of every day, thedependable Gas and Flame Detection systems and portable gas monitors manufactured under these brand names are making workplaces safer around the world. For this reason, Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection has introduced a new global tagline that captures the capabilities of the business: ´Always sensing safety, everywhereyoulook´TM.
Despite the company´s comprehensive and proprietary portfolio of innovative solutions, one size does not always fit all. If a standard solution cannot be identified, the Application Engineering group within Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection can provide a bespoke offering based on complete end-to-end consulting that embraces design, equipment specification, installation, maintenance and service. The in-house team, which comprises a global network of professionals with more than 50 years´ combined experience in fixed gas detection and integration consulting, has the capability to assess hazardous environments anywhere in the world. Working alongside client teams in a consultative approach, the expert perspective offered by the Application Engineering group ensures that custom solutions are according to specific requirements such as advanced technology within nuclear research and space exploration. As part of this customer-first strategy, projects are kept on track using proactive analysis that harnesses the benefits of advanced technologies such as 3D simulations, custom wireless solutions and gas-plume modeling.
Importantly, Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection can leverage its global network of distributors offering sales and service expertise – alongside its manufacturing excellence and custom engineering – to provide turnkey gas and flame detection solutions for a vast range of hazards. With an industry-leading, comprehensive portfolio of products and services, its commitment to cross-platform integration is purpose-designed to provide protection for today and confidence for tomorrow.
First-choice solutions provider
Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection is a leading solutions provider for gas and flame detection products due to many unique qualities that include product expertise, game-changing adaptability in challenging environments, wide reaching international distribution and service, and its Application Engineering group.
Product reliability in critical situations, whether it refers to detectors, controllers, monitoring systems or wireless technologies, is a further business attribute. By using a reputable detection expert such as Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection, customers can avoid compromising the health and safety of their teams. The company knows the history of the market, the current landscape, and has a strong handle on innovation and vision for the years ahead.
Ultimately a new – yet established – global leader in safety-focused gas and flame detection solutions is now active in the market; one with detection in its DNA. Based on a relationship-driven business model, the company´s priority is simple: protecting assets, operations, the environment and, most importantly, lives. Every day, hundreds of Teledyne Gas & Flame Detection employees are mobilized to offer effective solutions for their customers assets, supporting and protecting workforces around the world.
For more information, visit https://teledynegasandflamedetection.com/en
About Teledyne Gas and Flame Detection:
Teledyne Gas and Flame detection provides a portfolio of fixed and portable industrial gas and flame detection instruments used in a variety of industries including petrochemical, power generation, oil & gas, food & beverage, mining and waste water treatment. The Oldham, Simtronics, GMI and Detcon brands bring together over 100 years of industry experience across a wide range of standard products and customized solutions. These rugged trace gas analyzers feature fast response time, intrinsically-safe sensors and satisfy multiple international certification standards.
Teledyne Technologies Inc.
Telefon: +1 (713) 559-9200
Telefon: +34 655 783 193
E-Mail: e.ahossi@mepax.com
Global Marketing & Communication Manager
Telefon: +33 321 60 80 37
E-Mail: Natacha.dequeant@teledyne.com