ESRF receives EIGER2 detectors for its new Extremely Brilliant Source
The EIGER2 detector family is the latest result of continuous R&D efforts, focused on X-ray solutions for future synchrotron sources with new features and great stability. Built on a new ASIC generation, all EIGER2 detectors feature an increased count rate capability (107 photons/s/pixel) and two energy thresholds, packed in 75×75 μm2 pixels. The product portfolio includes Si and CdTe sensors and spans over a wide range of detector sizes.
“The construction of the first high-energy fourth-generation synchrotron light source brought with it the challenge to get the most out of its capacities. We aim for state-of-the-art detectors that provide new features and a stable performance. The EIGER2 detector family is the best solution for many different beamlines”, says Dr. Harald Reichert, director of research at the ESRF.
The majority of EBS’ EIGER2 detectors are intended for high-energy beamlines, covering a range of applications. The EIGER2 CdTe detectors will be utilized to meet many requirements, such as exceeding quantum efficiency for hard X-rays, excellent spatial resolution and count rate capabilities, as well as high speed and dynamic range. One of these techniques is high-energy diffraction at ID11.
“The combination of the extremely brilliant source and the high dynamic and high sensitivity of the EIGER2 CdTe detector will allow us to detect weak features in diffraction data, especially diffuse scattering and super-structure or impurity reflections. We are excited about the high frame rate of the EIGER2 CdTe. Ultra fast 3-dimensional mapping and ultra-fine slicing will now be accessible for monitoring systems as they evolve during in situ experiments”, says beamline scientist Carlotta Giacobbe at the ID11 beamline of the ESRF.
“It makes us very happy to see that the leading synchrotron source has chosen our EIGER2 detectors for a wide span of its applications. We are certain that the EIGER2 is the detector for the future and that it will serve as one of the fundamental blocks to build new science”, concludes Dr. Stefan Brandstetter, head of product management at DECTRIS.
DECTRIS develops and manufactures the most accurate X-ray and electron cameras to spark scientific breakthroughs around the world. While photographic cameras capture visible light, DECTRIS cameras count individual X-ray photons and electrons.
DECTRIS is the global market leader at synchrotrons, and our efficient detector systems help scientists achieve high-quality results also in their own laboratories. DECTRIS electron detectors create unique opportunities in materials science, and we offer novel solutions for medical applications. We support researchers everywhere from our offices in Switzerland and the United States.
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