Overload protection up to 9000 Nm
Highly dynamic, high-performance, regulated drives are playing an increasingly important role in today’s advancing automation. The SKY-KS safety coupling series with Balganbau offers these high-performance drives the adequate safety element. With a maximum disengaging torque of 9000 Nm, the current, ever-increasing performance data are taken into account. As a special version, disengaging torques of up to 9000 Nm and operating speeds of up to 8000 min-1 can be realized. The safety couplings of the SKY-KS series are a combination of the thousand times proven release mechanism with a torsionally rigid, multi-shaft metal bellows. In a variety of applications, especially as collision protection in feed axes, they were able to prove their effectiveness. They protect complex and expensive equipment from consequential damage with costly machine damage, repairs and downtime. Key features of the SKY-KS series are compact dimensions, low moments of inertia, the compensation of misalignment between the input and output shafts with low restoring forces, and, above all, an absolutely backlash-free angular transmission of the torques due to a very high torsional rigidity of the metal bellows and the ball latching mechanism. The sophisticated design principle, a high-quality material selection, the precise manufacturing, as well as the numerous variations in the shaft-hub connection give this product an exceptional position in the safety coupling market. The field of application covers all demanding high-dynamic servo axes for machine tools up to the overload protection of conveyor systems.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
JAKOB Antriebstechnik GmbH
Daimlerring 42
63839 Kleinwallstadt
Telefon: +49 (6022) 22080
Telefax: +49 (6022) 220822
Jan Möller
Telefon: +49 (6022) 2208-55
E-Mail: moeller@jakobantriebstechnik.de
Telefon: +49 (6022) 2208-55
E-Mail: moeller@jakobantriebstechnik.de
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