Pilot project in Essen: LOGO.pro passes practi-cal test
The next stage will be to amass practical experiences with the new technology on a construction site. In collaboration with its long-standing trading partner Elvermann GmbH and its customer, Heinrich Temmink GmbH & Co. KG from Vreden, PASCHAL has launched a pilot project in Essen-Kettwig to test the new formwork system intensively.
Flexible tie rods for every requirement
The LOGO.pro large-size panels with dimensions of 240 x 270 cm were used for the first time in the construction of a residential complex with underground car park. As the flexible tie points allow both one-sided as well as conventional anchoring, both anchoring systems have been tested to verify their suitability for construction sites.
The default version of LOGO.pro formwork supplied has integrated guide bushings – enabling the formwork in delivery condition to be assembled straightaway as normal LOGO formwork.
For one-sided operation of the tie rods, the guide bushings in the outer formwork can be replaced with PRO clamping units. The tie rod can be turned completely with a tube and plate with ball-and-socket joint from the inner formwork.
Valuable experiences
‘Everything essentially worked out very well,‘ explains Sebastian Reißing of Elvermann GmbH, which managed the project. ‚The system with integrated bushings has several benefits – it’s convenient, extremely stable and there’s no external structure, which makes it much easier to store the formwork panels.‘ Equally positive is the integrated sealing ring on the threaded sleeve. Compared to other solutions on the market, it completely prevents penetration of the concrete and the tie rod is always ’spick and span‘.
The PRO assembly key was also impressive in terms of handling. The multi-purpose key is a clean, robust solution for easy installation and removal of the PRO guide bushings and PRO clamping units in the LOGO.pro panels.
Particularly striking about this system was the use of standard tension materials. By using conventional DW15 or DW20 tie rods and plates with ball-and-socket-joints, no tapered wall openings or special tie rods were needed, and no tapered tie holes needed to be plugged – saving time and, above all, money.
The new PASCHAL LOGO.pro has thus passed its first test site with flying colours.
PASCHAL-Werk G. Maier GmbH
Kreuzbühlstr. 5
77790 Steinach
Telefon: +49 (7832) 71-0
Telefax: +49 (7832) 71-209
Telefon: +49 (7832) 71-237
E-Mail: katja.muench@paschal.de