Trends, information and the latest process technology for precision cleaning
Companies from sectors such as the medical engineering, optics, automotive and supplier industries, precision engineering and microtechnology, the jewelry, watchmaking and coating industries, and also high-purity processing, are confronted with ever-increasing cleanliness requirements related to particulate and film-type/chemical contamination. Solutions to these issues are often discussed during a visit to a trade fair, but that is not possible this year. In order to inform customers, users and other interested parties on a larger scale and to answer questions, the Swiss company UCM AG – a division of the SBS Ecoclean Group specializing in precision and ultrafine cleaning – is staging a unique digital customer day with a virtual exhibition booth.
World premiere of the highly-adaptable, modular UCMSmartLine
One of the program highlights of the online event on 29 September 2020 will be the first-time presentation of the novel smart solution for efficient precision and fine cleaning, UCMSmartLine. The innovative and cost-efficient ultrasonic cleaning series is based on standardized modules, including not only integrated electrical and control technologies for the process steps of cleaning, rinsing, drying, loading and unloading but also a versatile transport system. The modules are used to configure customized systems for pre-cleaning, intermediate and final cleaning, and can be adapted to changing requirements and market conditions at any time.
Recognizing trends and providing optimal solutions
The presentations with subsequent Q&A rounds also address the different and growing demands of the various branches of industry. They will be held in German and English with a time delay. Topics include “Customized solutions for precision cleaning”, “UCMSmartLine – modular solutions for ultrafine cleaning”, “Solvent-based processes for ultrafine cleaning” and “Innovative processes for highest cleanliness requirements”.
The customer day is free of charge. The virtual exhibition booth can still be visited after the online event. Access to the customer day and exhibition booth is available to participants via https://ucm-ag.com/virtual-customer-day/.
Contact: UCM AG, 9424 Rheineck, Switzerland, phone +41 71 88667-60, www.ucm-ag.com, www.ecoclean-group.net
Die SBS Ecoclean Gruppe entwickelt, produziert und vertreibt zukunftsorientierte Anlagen, Systeme und Services für die industrielle Bauteilreinigung und Oberflächenbearbeitung. Diese Lösungen, die weltweit führend sind, unterstützen Unternehmen rund um den Globus dabei, in hoher Qualität effizient und nachhaltig zu produzieren. Die Kunden kommen aus der Automobil- und Zulieferindustrie sowie dem breit gefächerten industriellen Markt – von der Medizin-, Mikro- und Feinwerktechnik über den Maschinenbau und die optische Industrie bis zur Energietechnik und Luftfahrtindustrie. Der Erfolg von Ecoclean basiert auf Innovation, Spitzentechnologie, Nachhaltigkeit, Kundennähe, Vielfalt und Respekt. Die Unternehmens-Gruppe ist mit zwölf Standorten weltweit in neun Ländern vertreten und beschäftigt rund 900 Mitarbeiter/innen.
Ecoclean GmbH
Mühlenstraße 12
70794 Filderstadt
Telefon: +49 (711) 7006-0
Telefax: +49 711 7006-148
Journalistin (DJV) und Texterin
Telefon: +49 (711) 854085
E-Mail: Doris.Schulz@PresseTextSchulz.De