
Virtual S14 Solutions Days: from 30.09. to 02.10.2020 at COMM-TEC

Due to the current developments concerning Corona in Germany and its neighbouring countries the twelfth edition of COMM-TEC GmbH’s S14 Solution Day will not take place this year as usual in Uhingen as a local industry meeting. However, in order to be able to present its customers and visitors innovations and highlights from the portfolio, COMM-TEC Exertis offers a special platform in the virtual space with the completely new format "S14 Virtual Solutions Days".

According to the motto "Let`s make extraordinary happen", COMM-TEC Exertis invites from 30.09. to 02.10.2020 to a virtual exhibition hall with corresponding exhibition stands and a virtual conference area. At all stands, various touch points will be offered to receive information and provide interactive exchange. During the official trade exhibition time (09.00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m.), COMM-TEC specialists will be available at the respective manufacturers stands for personal exchange via video conferencing. In addition, guided virtual tours of the trade exhibition will be available.

In collaboration with the participating manufacturers, a valuable conference program with interesting webinars as well as presentations about superordinate topics, trends and developments in the industry will be created. The manufacturer presentations will take place both directly at the stand of the respective manufacturer and in the general virtual conference area. In terms of content, the event will focus on the main topics of UCC and Collaboration, Digital Signage, Visualization and E-Learning as well as Pro Audio. The topics and the seminar program will soon be published on the website .

Über Exertis AV

For more than 30 years, COMM-TEC Exertis has been one of the largest and most renowned value-add distributors for AV media technology in Europe and has been part of DCC Technology Trading/Exertis since 2019. The company headquarters is located in Uhingen near Stuttgart and distributes the products of more than 50 well-known manufacturers. The business units "Digital Signage & Media Solutions", "Collaboration & UCC", "Signal Management", "Pro Audio & Control", "Display Solutions" as well as "Racks & Mounts" provide master technicians, system integrators and architects with the optimal hardware for their requirements. COMM-TEC acts strongly according to its claim "Think Solutions": it creates a consciousness for thinking and acting in terms of solutions, and for offering solutions. COMM-TEC supplies everything from one source, from planning through consultation to implementation.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

Exertis AV
Siemensstr. 14
73066 Uhingen
Telefon: +49 (7161) 3000-0
Telefax: +49 (7161) 3000-400

Markus Kreuzer
Telefon: +49 (7161) 3000-250
Thomas Hovemann
Marketing Koordinator
Telefon: +49 (7161) 3000-537
E-Mail: Thomas.Hovemann@COMM-TEC.DE
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