Energie- / Umwelttechnik

Detachable level probes with integrated lightning protection : well protected against overvoltage

Hydrostatic level probes are essential for managing and controlling environmental equipment such as weir and sluice systems. In the event of a lightning strike, shifts or increases in potential directly affect the measurement devices, which means that protecting these components is especially important. If certain overvoltage events result in plant downtimes nevertheless, the next step is to keep the maintenance effort as low as possible. For both scenarios, BD|SENSORS has a well-conceived solution which draws on an established device concept, consisting of overvoltage protection combined with a simple and time-saving replacement option.

The detachable level probe LMK 808 with a robust, capacitive ceramic sensor and a pressure tightness of up to 20bar is one example of this.

It also has two-stage overvoltage protection which protects the sensor signal and signal processing and transmission. Whilst the primary protection ensures that the overvoltage is limited to 90 V and a pulse current up to 8,000 A (8 kA) is dissipated, the subsequent secondary protection reduces the voltage to 36V, has a bipolar affect and can record a pulse power of 1,500W. (To document the performance of the measures, overvoltage tests were carried out in an accredited test laboratory pursuant to standard EN 61000-4-5. The results show that standard test pulses with a severity of 4,000V (4 kV) do not cause any damage.)

On the other hand, the probe head on the level probe can be detached from the cable part. This means that the cable that was laid at great expense does not have to be removed from cable ducts or protective pipes if it is damaged or needs to be serviced. Instead, simply unscrew the probe head, clean it and screw it back on, or replace it with the spare part. The effort required for this takes just a few minutes, meaning that the level probe can quickly be put back into operation and downtimes are kept low.

Über die BD | SENSORS GmbH

BD|SENSORS was founded in 1995 as a start-up by three people and became one of the major global providers of electronic pressure measurement devices within just a few years. Its headquarters are based in Thierstein, Upper Franconia. Today BD|SENSORS has around 300 employees in its four locations in Germany, the Czech Republic, Russia, and China. The company dedicated itself to electronic pressure measurement technology right from the start. With a consistent strategy focussing on products and quality, it succeeded in developing a high-quality product range which sets standards on the world market, both in terms of its breadth and its vertical range of manufacture. The company’s portfolio comprises solutions for pressure and level measurement in a measuring range of between 0.1 mbar and 8,000 bar. Close customer proximity is extremely important to BD|SENSORS and the company has positioned itself as a problem solver in the sector.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

BD-Sensors-Straße 1
95199 Thierstein
Telefon: +49 (9235) 9811-0
Telefax: +49 (9235) 9811-11

Kristina Klimbt
Telefon: +49 (9235) 9811-2040
E-Mail: kristina.klimbt@bdsensors.de
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