digitalPMRExpo 2020: Europe’s Leading Trade Fair for Secure Communications Goes Digital
The PMRExpo 2020 will, therefore, take place from 24 to 26 November 2020 as a digital event: the digitalPMRExpo 2020 will open its digital doors to visitors from all over the world on all three days from 9:00 to 18:00. Once again in 2020 national and international exhibitors will be showcasing their products and innovations in the field of Secure Communications – but instead of doing so at the Koelnmesse, they will have digital stands.
Trade Fair and Presentation Programme
In addition to the exhibition, the digitalPMRExpo will also run a programme of presentations on each of the three days. This means that, once again this year, interested parties will be able to get information about current trends,
developments and innovations in the world of Secure Communications. You can do this from your own home or office – safely and without risk.
Presentations will be held in the digital “Speakers’ Corner” on all three days. In addition to selected presentations about the latest and the most interesting topics in Secure Communications, companies will introduce their newest products and solutions.
Participation in the digitalPMRExpo 2020 is free for everyone. If you are interested in joining, please register on the official website http://www.pmrexpo.com/
The direct link to register is: https://www.pmrexpo.de/en/information-service/tickets/
digitalPMRExpo 2020 – Informative, Innovative and Safe
The community of users and suppliers of secure communications solutions will have the opportunity to exchange ideas, even in this most peculiar of years, 2020. The digitalPMRExpo will use the digital opportunities to reach an even larger audience as a modern marketplace for ideas and solutions for secure communication. In 2020 it will use the platform to present the latest trends and innovations – both in the digital exhibition and in presentations. Digitalisation in fact offers many presentation opportunities that would be very costly at physical events, and maybe not even possible at all. Above all, however, the digitalPMRExpo 2020 offers visitors and exhibitors the opportunity to continue to promote their business without travelling or in-person meetings and to establish networks of contacts – no matter where they are located, safely and flexibly.
For more information, please visit: www.pmrexpo.com
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