KUKAMET takes important step towards digitization with 3D CAD product catalog powered by CADENAS
Improved customer service thanks to accelerated design process
Today’s engineers and designers need quick and easy access to the product information they need. The majority of the sometimes very individual inquiries regarding engineering data have so far reached KUKAMET by e-mail. The detailed answers were often time-consuming and therefore costly. KUKAMET therefore made it a priority to make the flow of information to its customers more efficient. Now engineers and designers can download 3D CAD models of components, such as pneumatic swivel clamps, at https://kukamet.partcommunity.com free of charge in more than 150 popular CAD formats, such as NX and Solide Edge from Siemens PLM, Inventor and Revit from Autodesk, and insert them directly into their existing CAD designs. In order to ensure optimal marketing and to be able to serve the international market, the KUKAMET catalog is available in Turkish, English and German.
3D CAD product catalogue offers valuable additional information about products
To further expand their preferred position among engineers and designers, manufacturers like KUKAMET rely on high-quality native CAD product catalogs and comprehensive customer service. With the provision of an up-to-date 3D CAD online product catalogue, all important commercial metadata are also directly integrated into the CAD model. Parts lists created from the CAD design can be forwarded to the purchasing department with all important information. There they serve as a basis for procuring the corresponding components from the respective component manufacturers.
The 3D CAD download portal of KUKAMET is available at: https://kukamet.partcommunity.com
Further information about eCATALOGsolutions can be found at: www.cadenas.de/en/ecatalogsolutions
Further information about KUKAMET at: www.kukamet.de/en
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