On Semiconductor Announces camLine as the Recipient of Its 2019 Front End Site Supplier of the Year Award
camLine, a global software solution provider for manufacturing for more than 30 years, has helped the company implement standardized infrastructure solutions for Quality Management (QM) and Asset Performance Management (APM) at all ON Semiconductor manufacturing sites worldwide within a short amount of time. By implementing an integrated real-time Statistical Process Control (SPC) system and a Machine Maintenance Solution (MMS), managers and engineers are now enabled to look at the process and product performance from a corporate view with the possibility to drill down for any details if required. This way, ON Semiconductor benefits from its new capabilities to perform quality and performance benchmarks across all globally distributed facilities, as well as reducing wafer scrap.
“Strong relationships are the key to not only deliver on business strategies but also for product innovation, customer satisfaction, and growth,“ said Steven Alsbro, global sourcing and acting chief procurement officer at ON Semiconductor. “We are thrilled with our engagement with camLine and look forward to the opportunity to explore other areas where we can work together.“
“We are extremely proud of this award from ON Semiconductor and look forward to providing solutions in their areas of automotive customer quality KPIs, shop floor maintenance management, and active process control where we can achieve similar success to the company,“ said Heinz Linsmaier, CEO, camLine GmbH.
For more information, please contact info(at)camLine.com.
About ON Semiconductor
ON Semiconductor (Nasdaq: ON) is driving energy efficient innovations, empowering customers to reduce global energy use. The company is a leading supplier of semiconductor-based solutions offering a comprehensive portfolio of energy-efficient power management, analog, sensors, logic, timing, connectivity, discrete, SoC, and custom devices. The company’s products help engineers solve their unique design challenges in automotive, communications, computing, consumer, industrial, medical, aerospace, and defense applications. ON Semiconductor operates a responsive, reliable, world-class supply chain and quality program, a robust compliance and ethics program, and a network of manufacturing facilities, sales offices, and design centers in key markets throughout North America, Europe, and the Asia Pacific regions. For more information, visit www.onsemi.com.
camLine provides and markets its own software solutions to enhance manufacturing excellence in high-tech manufacturing industries. For high-volume productions, camLine’s industrial automation systems are preferably based on MES modules of the product suite LineWorks. camLine customers have also implemented the entire software suite as their Manufacturing Execution System (MES).
For medical manufacturing enterprises, camLine offers all-in-one solutions that are built on InFrame Synapse software. Numerous installations are present in further industries, e.g. semiconductor, electronics, or solar. Due to the general approach, camLine addresses discrete, continuous, and mixed forms of manufacturing. These industry-specific deployments focus on advanced strategies to improve Quality Assurance (QA) and process integrity, production logistics, and efficiency (OEE) but also enabling Advanced Planning and Scheduling (APS).
Technological innovation efficiency is supported by XperiDesk software that aims at accelerating technology development and provides pioneering cooperation opportunities of R&D with the production.
Cornerstone is camLine’s engineering analytics application to explore and analyze data as well as plan and execute Design of Experiments (DoE). camLine as a solution partner has been offering its software and services globally for more than 30 years.
For more information, please visit www.camline.com.
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85238 Petershausen
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E-Mail: gerald.hemetsberger@camline.com