Revolt Against Modernism or Against Contemporaneity?
Revolt Against Modernism is an album of very intimate compositions that reflect my way of thinking and facing what I don’t like: modernism. In art, can one belong to one’s time without breaking with what preceded us historically? In art can one develop a personal, authentic and current language without sounding nostalgic or in the style of someone else who is no longer around? With these questions I started writing the album. I wanted to demonstrate, first of all to myself, whether or not I was able to write music that was an expression of my living in the present: therefore contemporary. I have avoided falling into the ideological trap, so dear or convenient to many, of the modern as progress; at the same time I tried to keep my feet rooted in tradition.
Über Feiyr
Feiyr is based in the bavarian town of Vachendorf – Traunstein. Feiyr is one of the largest online music distribution companies in music, audiobooks, eBooks and other audio productions worldwide. Currently, Feiyr sells, manages or attends to 1,187,295 Songs on 210,981 Albums of 20,861 Music Labels with 190,828 artists. The Feiyr song distribution company was founded by Armin Wirth in 1993. It employs a staff of 24.
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
Raiffeisenstrasse 4
83377 Vachendorf
Telefon: +49 (861) 16617-0
Telefax: +49 (861) 16617-40
Simone Bacci
E-Mail: simonebacci@hotmail.com
E-Mail: simonebacci@hotmail.com
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