Biodiesel – Research Ensures Continuing Market Presence
This is precisely why biodiesel as a blend component must rise to future challenges for fuel mix diversification, as well as satisfying increasingly stringent requirements in emissions legislation and thus for engine technology. Against this backdrop, the biodiesel industry is under pressure to act and contribute to shaping this development process. The 18th International Conference on Renewable Mobility will therefore once again focus on fuel system research, for the success of accompanying research will decisively determine the future for biodiesel, making it an investment that safeguards the biodiesel sector’s ongoing role. The main topic in this section “Biodiesel – Research Secures Continuing Market Presence” highlights the need for the discussion scheduled after the presentations:
Biodiesel as an integral component of future-oriented diesel fuels; Martin Unglert, Coburg University of Applied Sciences;
Digital fuel twins – Options for climate protection, Prof. Dr. Thomas Schulte, Future Energy Institute (iFE), TH OWL;
Ageing products in middle distillates containing FAME as blend components, Dr. Klaus Lucka, TEC4Fuels;
15 years of UFOP project funding – Presentation of selected results; Dieter Bockey, UFOP;
Moderation: Professor Dr. Jürgen Krahl, President of the Ostwestfalen-Lippe University of Applied Sciences and Arts (TH OWL)
The complete programme, information on registration and the exhibitor forum can be found at:…
The Union for the Promotion of Oil and Protein Plants e. V. (UFOP) represents the political interests of companies, associations and institutions involved in the production, processing and marketing of domestic oil and protein plants in national and international bodies. UFOP supports research to optimise agricultural production and for the development of new recycling opportunities in the food, non-food and feed sectors. UFOP public relations aim to promote the marketing of domestic oil and protein plant end products.
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