Broadcast Solutions Pursues Its Event Series With Hybrid Broadcast Innovation Days, November 3-5, 2020
At the first day (3 November), Broadcast Solutions will host on-site events, open to the public, in its offices around the world (if the current situation allows this). During the two other days, the company will offer an online program with discussions, product presentations, innovations and one-on-one meetings.
Registration is possible on the event page: https://go.broadcast-solutions.de/BIDregistration. A detailed schedule with all sessions, products, time-slots and individual registration will follow soon.
This hybrid Broadcast Innovation Day (hBID) offers four different modules that perfectly fit the needs of the visitors. Each module comprises another type of engagement and conveys a certain depth of knowledge.
In Sessions, the company will cover a selection of landmark projects and top stories within the hBID. In 20-minute sessions, visitors can discover insights into the latest products and developments from the fields of systems integration, IP-based production, new concepts and designs for workplace concepts or innovative solutions for wireless data transmission during live production. Topics include:
- UHD 2 – large 30-camera UHD OB van for HD BROADCAST
- Ü3 – modular 6-camera HD OB van for WDR
- Ü7 – compact Radio OB van for WDR
- The Collaborative Technospace – thinking the workplace new with innovative workplace solutions and sustainable workplace modules, which may be arranged in variable settings/constellations and diverse environments
- Wireless Transmission – Live Broadcasting with new approaches in wireless signal transmission using the latest MESH network technology
With 15-minutes Hands-On sessions, our project and product managers will share their views on the newest trends in the business, presenting new products and key-turn solutions.
The Roundtable format is the place to share knowledge in engaging group discussions with a maximum of 25 people attending where our engineers give more detailed insights into specific topics.
The most intimate format are our one-on-one meetings with individual people. Participants that don’t want to spend any more time in webinars and have specific topics or issues they want to talk about can schedule an appointment with one of our team members using the event platform.
With this hybrid Broadcast Innovation Days, the company makes it easy to meet and share knowledge and, at the same time, follow the rules of distance during the current Corona situation. We take the responsibility to protect visitors and our employees in our offices and facilities very seriously.
Participants based in Germany have the opportunity to visit the Broadcast Solutions headquarters in Bingen on 3 November. We take the responsibility to protect visitors and our employees in our offices and facilities very serious. Visitors can experience live projects and products or meet the team and enjoy a trip through our production halls.
During online presentations, running from November 4-5, our global team of product and sales managers will show the portfolio of innovative products and solutions. These sessions will give the participants a quick and condensed look into cutting-edge tools for broadcast and media such as: LaON, Dreamchip, Q5X, ZeroDensity, Simplylive, Barnfind, Mobile Viewpoint, hi human interface, Blackmagic, MOG, Nevion, Phabrix, Genelec, Newsbridge, Vizrt, Skaarhoj, BirdDog, Haivision, Broadpeak, Sencore, Bridgetech and many more…
People can register for the event using the event page: https://go.broadcast-solutions.de/BIDregistration
More information on schedule, time-slots and individual registrations for each session will follow soon.
Broadcast Solutions ist einer der größten Systemintegratoren Europas und besteht aus einer Gruppe von weltweit tätigen Unternehmen. Vor mehr als 17 Jahren in Deutschland gegründet, steht Broadcast Solutions für Innovation und Ingenieurleistungen "Made in Germany". Mit Tochtergesellschaften in Europa, Asien und dem Nahen Osten plant, realisiert und realisiert die Broadcast Solutions Gruppe Projekte und bietet ihre Dienstleistungen in allen Bereichen rund um Broadcast und Contenterstellung und -distribution an – weltweit.
Mit mehr als 130 Mitarbeitern weltweit und als Hardware-unabhängiger Systemintegrator bietet Broadcast Solutions seinen Kunden maßgeschneiderte Lösungen – von der Idee bis zur Implementierung und darüber hinaus. Mehr Informationen zu unserem Unternehmen und unseren Produkten finden Sie unter www.broadcast-solutions.de / www.broadcast-products.de / www.hi-app.de
Mobile Production
Einheiten zur Flightcase Produktion
Studio- und Sendeeinrichtungen
Radio Studios
TV Studios
Remote Production
Arena Infrastruktur
Cable Camera Systems
Video Assistant Referee Service
Produkt Sales
Vertrieb von ausgewählten Produkten
Reseller von Broadcast Technology
Remote Production
Arena Infrastruktur
Mesh Network Systeme
Tactical Kits
Spezialfahrzeuge der Polizei
Customer Care
Support und Maintenance
Service-Level Agreements
Engineering Services
Produkt Entwicklung
hi – human interface
Broadcast Solutions GmbH
Alfred-Nobel-Str. 5
55411 Bingen
Telefon: +49 (6721) 4008-0
Telefax: +49 (6721) 4008-27
Public Relations
Telefon: +49 (6721) 4008-287
Fax: +49 (6721) 4008-27
E-Mail: a.hoeflich@broadcast-solutions.de