Comprehensive survey by macmon secure shows surprising results
Hans-Joachim Diedrich, Head of Sales & Marketing at macmon secure GmbH, Berlin explains: “In the last fiscal year in particular, we saw increased interest in network security among customers, poten-tial customers and channel partners. We carried out a robust market analysis to back up these impressions with concrete figures.”
Key questions and results:
Question: In the event of an infection, can you ensure that the affected endpoint is immediately quarantined, for example to prevent the malicious code from spreading throughout the network? 60% of respondents admitted that they could NOT immediately isolate the infected endpoint in the event of an attack.
This deficit costs companies valuable time in protecting themselves from threats. This is precisely where the macmon NAC solution’s decisive, proactive response to infection sources can help. Hans-Joachim Diedrich adds: “macmon is still often perceived as a primary NAC solution. But with its many additional features, macmon can do so much more. One example is our compliance module: macmon automatically isolates endpoints in the network that are classified as unsafe and updates their security status in a protected environment (quarantine or remediation VLAN). After they are ‘cured,’ the endpoints are immediately and automatically reassigned to their original production envi-ronment.”
Question: What would have the greatest impact for you in terms of reducing the work involved in the administration of networks?
54% of the companies stated that clarity/transparency in the network would offer the greatest help in administering their networks.
The survey shows that this topic is very important to users in the various companies. One of macmon’s core compe-tencies is live inventory management, which involves keeping a record of the entire infrastructure and all endpoints. This includes, for example, graphical image of the network topology with extensive analysis options and reporting of the monitoring data recorded in the network. Since 2019, NAC expert macmon secure has offered macmon NAC smart, a smart and simple solution that is specially designed for small and medium-sized enterprises.
Question: Do you use a network access control solution?
77% of SMEs surveyed do not use an NAC solution.
Hans-Joachim Diedrich sees this alarmingly high rate as a great sales opportunity for system houses: “Especially in times of crisis, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic, IT risks increase significantly, but time, budget and personnel are tight. One of our highlights is the visual network overview, which lets administrators create an overview of all the switches registered on their network in just a few hours—this feature is the WOW effect that really wins our customers over.”
Conclusion: Cybercrime, compliance requirements, mobile working during the pandemic, shortages of skilled workers, digitization, BYOD, EMOTET, optimization of business processes, corporate diversification, global production chains—all of these factors are making enhanced protection of corporate networks more important than ever. The robust market survey by macmon secure GmbH showed that NAC solutions have not yet been implemented by two-thirds of the respondents, even though a quarter of all security incidents occurred in the networks of the companies surveyed.
A complete brochure with further questions and answers from the macmon secure GmH survey—including numerous quotations from customers—can be found at: go.macmon.eu/en/marketstudy
macmon secure GmbH – the German technological leader for network access control
The experienced IT experts have been offering manufacturer-independent, BSI-certified solutions since 2003. These solutions protect heterogeneous networks from unauthorized access through immediate network transparency.
macmon is quick and easy to implement and offers considerable added value for network security. macmon can be integrated with other security solutions from international technology partners, such as endpoint security or firewall.
Customers obtain an immediate network overview with graphical reports and topology. In addition, macmon offers customers and partners an extensive training program and 24/7 support from Germany. This makes macmon a key IT component in the areas of digitization, BYOD or intent-based networking.
For further information, visit: www.macmon.eu
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macmon secure GmbH
Alte Jakobstr. 79-80
10179 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (30) 2325777-0
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Telefon: +49 (30) 23257770
E-Mail: christian.buecker@macmon.eu