Doosan Lentjes is to deliver lot 1 of the new wood-fired combined heat and power plant in Dinslaken
Once in operation, the new plant will thermally treat about 200,000 tons of waste wood (class l-lll) per year. Applying effective incineration technology will ensure that the maximum of the climate-friendly energy contained in the wood is harnessed to generate sustainable electricity and heat. This will reduce the share of fossil fuels required to meet local energy needs and save more than 125,000 tons of CO2 per year, helping the City of Dinslaken to pursue its strict decarbonisation policy.
Doosan Lentjes‘ scope of delivery will include the fuel supply and transports as well as the combustion and boiler plant based on water-cooled reciprocating grate technology. In addition, the company will provide a complete dry flue gas cleaning system, stack as well as electrical & control systems.
The modern air quality control facility will ensure compliance with emission limit values according to the revised European BREF (best available techniques reference) documents. Harmful acid gases, hydrocarbons and heavy metals will be treated and separated in the Circoclean® gas cleaning system to be installed, while the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) will remove nitrogen oxides.
Gerhard Lohe, Product Director Waste-to-Energy at Doosan Lentjes comments: “In Dinslaken, we are ready to prove the flexibility of both our incineration and flue gas cleaning processes. Originally used in traditional waste-to-energy applications, we will adapt our grate technology to the combustion properties of biomass fuels and thus ensure efficient use of their energetic potential. Furthermore, the plant will be the first of its kind to comply with the new BREF requirements. This means that it will not only burn an almost CO2-neutral fuel, but will also produce negligible emissions. This reflects our efforts to support the industry in shaping the energy transition and make tomorrow’s heat and power generation more sustainable.”
Doosan Lentjes is a specialist in the delivery of proven and reliable waste-to-energy technology, converting millions of tons of waste into valuable energy every year. This helps customers all over the world reduce their waste volumes and simultaneously provide a sustainable energy source.
Doosan Lentjes ist ein globaler Anbieter von Verfahren und Technologien zur Dampf- und Stromerzeugung aus nachhaltigen und konventionellen Brennstoffen. Zu unseren Fachgebieten gehören Schlüsseltechnologien für die Energierückgewinnung aus Abfall, die Klärschlammverbrennung, Zirkulierende Wirbelschichtkessel und Rauchgasreinigungssysteme.
Doosan Lentjes GmbH
Daniel-Goldbach-Straße 19
40880 Ratingen
Telefon: +49 (2102) 166-0
Telefax: +49 (2102) 166-2500
Marketing Manager
Telefon: 021021661476
Fax: 021021662476
E-Mail: diana.baganz@doosan.com