Executive Board and Works Council of MAN Truck & Bus SE start negotiations on the company’s realignment
Before it can continue investing in fields of the future like alternative drives, digitalization, and automation, MAN has to undergo a comprehensive restructuring process. The aim is to achieve a sustained improvement in the company’s results of operations.
Both sides put together their own negotiating teams. On the employer side, the responsible members of the Executive Board as well as the responsible divisional managers and the human resources department will be represented. On the employee side, the IG Metall union will be involved in addition to the works council representatives.
Dr. Martin Rabe, Chief Human Resources Officer and Arbeitsdirektor (Executive Board member responsible for employee relations) at MAN Truck & Bus SE, is optimistic: "The employee representatives and the Executive Board can only lead our company into a financially successful, innovative, and sustainable future if they work together. This is why I am glad that we have now been able to enter into constructive negotiations. All of the parties involved are aware of their responsibility: this is about the successful future of MAN! So I am confident that we will be able to bring these negotiations to a successful close by the end of the year."
MAN Truck & Bus SE
Dachauer Straße 667
80995 München
Telefon: +49 (89) 1580-01
Telefax: +49 (89) 1503972