Hoppe Marine offers two new ship-to-shore data services
Hoppe Marine offers with the Hoppe DATA BUTLER and the Hoppe DATA INSPECTOR two new ship-to-cloud data service solutions to support the maritime community in their efforts to increase efficiency and reduce emissions.
With more than seventy years of experience in the field of power, tank content and draught measurement systems, Hoppe Marine has earned a reputation as a reliable partner for the procurement of accurate ship operation data. Increased demands on shipping companies and operators in the areas of safety, compliance, planning and optimization have led Hoppe to recognize early on that comprehensive access to this data is essential as a basis for qualified decision making and, more importantly, that this data can be trusted. Klas Reimer, Team Manager R&D, comments: ”You cannot look for some % savings through optimization algorithms or new coatings if the primary parameters are faulty! Lothar Beinke, General Manager of Hoppe Marine adds: ”Poor data quality as a basis for decision-making can mean additional annual costs for ship operation of US$ 300,000 and more per year!”
To counter this, Hoppe has developed two solutions that make ship data available to the customer at any time and anywhere, the Hoppe DATA BUTLER and the Hoppe DATA INSPECTOR.
The Hoppe DATA BUTLER serves the desired data at any time via a fully encrypted ship-to-cloud data transfer for retrieval by ship owners, ship managers or data analysts.
Hoppe DATA BUTLER – key facts
• Provision of ship data with easy access
• Full system responsibility
• Unlimited cloud-based data storage – with 24/7 access
• Focus on cybersecurity – encrypted ship-to-shore data transfer
• Remote service, updates and customer-specific configuration
The Hoppe DATA INSPECTOR analyses the collected data and checks the connected systems for proper operation so that the customer has free access to validated data
Hoppe DATA INSPECTOR – key facts
• Ensured data quality as a precondition for compliance, planning and optimization
• Continuous system health check and daily data evaluation by qualified service technicians, analysts and marine engineers
• Fleet data transparency by automatic reports, including system health, quality KPIs
• In-depth evaluation of primary signals to detect implausibility’s, drifts and offsets
• Fast response – (remote) service attendance reduces downtime to a minimum
A big advantage for the customer is that these solutions make it independent of whether and to whom the data is made available for further use. For the increasing demand for digitalized ships Hoppe Marine now offers the necessary and independent data platforms to make good and sustainable decisions. Discover the new data solutions from Hoppe Marine. u
Learn more at www.hoppe-marine.com
Hoppe Marine GmbH
Kieler Str. 318
22525 Hamburg
Telefon: +49 (40) 561949-0
Telefax: +49 (40) 561949-99
Marketing Manager
Telefon: +49 (40) 561949-948
E-Mail: s.manssen@hoppe-marine.com