IGW Professional 2021: The meeting place of the International Green Week
At the meeting place of the International Green Week the focus will be on experts exchanging views on subjects concerning the food and farming industries, including food security, regional produce and the challenges facing global food supplies.
A wide range of topics – at in-person and virtual events
Halls 18 and 20 on the northern section of the Messe Berlin grounds are where the industry will meet. The official opening event and the opening press conference will take place at the Palais am Funkturm and in Hall 19. Parallel conferences are scheduled to take place at the CityCube Berlin. In addition to numerous lectures and discussion rounds the programme will also include the Future Forum on Rural Development, the Startup Days and the presentation of the Regional Star Award. A special display will also feature Germany’s federal states, the official representations of numerous countries, professional associations, as well as institutions and ministries.
For trade visitors unable to attend the in-person event, IGW Professional 2021 will be offering a wide-ranging programme with live-streamed lectures, featured products and exhibitors’ presentations at this virtual event. Messe Berlin’s safety and hygiene concept, which is constantly being updated to meet the latest requirements and which is coordinated with the relevant public health authority, will ensure the health and safety of participants on the grounds.
18 to 22 January 2021: Global Forum for Food and Agriculture
The Global Forum for Food and Agriculture will also be taking place at IGW Professional 2021. This will be an entirely virtual format, but with the usual forums and panel discussions. The main topic will be ’Pandemics and climate change: how can we feed the world?’ Discussion will focus on how food supply systems can become stronger after the Covid-19 pandemic and how they can contribute more to protecting the climate. The high point of the GFFA’s political debate will be the Berlin Agriculture Ministers‘ Conference with around 70 ministers from around the world, which is due to take place on 22 January.
IGW Professional 2021 at next year’s International Green Week will be a one-time event exclusively targeting expert audiences from politics and industry. From 21 to 30 January 2022 the International Green Week is scheduled to take place again in its usual format, bringing the general public into direct contact with food and farming industry topics and horticulture.
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14055 Berlin
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