Interdisciplinary and digital – aed neuland 2021
An independent panel of judges, consisting of 19 recognized experts from architecture, engineering and design, will decide on the awarding of the sponsorship prize at the start of May 2021. The award winners for each category will be presented with the corresponding jury statements at www.aed-neuland.de. The students can thus already present first achievements from contests in their applications.
neuland – interdisciplinary and digital
The ‘neuland’ competition for young designers should serve as a platform for talented youths in the field of design. ‘The goal is to foster innovative and sustainable approaches that are characterised by the highest possible economic and ecological quality and that are simultaneously functional and user friendly, but also meet the highest esthetical demands. The focus of the approach should always be the human being and the societal benefits affiliated with the draft,’ state the coordinators, Silvia Olp and Dr. Frank Heinlein, in the terms of participation of the contest.
Organiser and sponsor
The aed is an initiative founded by Stuttgart-based engineers, architects and designers. It is based on the insight that the Stuttgart region has a high design competency in a vast variety of disciplines. The aed wants to anchor this competency in general awareness and work as an all-encompassing institution to foster it. The aed serves as the broker and engine for the communication of good design.
The Karl Schlecht Foundation is a foundation for the common good focusing on ‘Good Leadership’. Its vision is the improvement of leadership in business and society through humanistic values. Based on this, it fosters the integral, value-based personality development of young people and up-and-coming executives. In conjunction with this it supports effect oriented projects and institutions in the four disciplines ‘Continued Ethical Education’, ‘Leadership Education’, ‘Entrepreneurship Education’ and ‘Cultural Education.’ It currently supports around 100 third party and own projects with annual funding of around 8 million euros. The Karl Schlecht Foundation, which is based in Aichtal and operates an office in Berlin, was established by Dipl.-Ing. Karl Schlecht in October 1998. The donor is the founder of the concrete pump manufacturer, Putzmeister.
aed Verein zur Förderung von Architektur, Engineering und Design in Stuttgart e.V.
Olgastraße 138
70180 Stuttgart
Telefon: +49 (160) 8894377
Telefon: +49 (160) 8894377
E-Mail: silvia.olp@aed-stuttgart.de
Telefon: +49 (711) 7451759-15
E-Mail: heike.bering@bering-kopal.de