SPE Industrial Partner Network quintuples its membership before its first birthday
The seven founding members of the SPE Industrial Partner Network e.V., who joined together to form the SPS in November 2019 in order to successfully establish the SPE technology on the market, have already become 37 member companies before their first birthday in 2020. A success of which the network is very proud. "37 members – this is an outstanding success, which shows us that we have done some things right", says Frank Welzel, chairman of the SPE Industrial Partner Network e.V. "Our holistic approach of a comprehensive SPE ecosystem, which connects all necessary manufacturers, applications, standards and components, meets the confidence of the companies as well as the fixed form of the network as a registered association. It is always important for us to emphasize this point. We are not, like other SPE interest groups, just a collection of companies that pay lip service to each other. We are a fixed network in which each member represents rights, duties and expertise. Thus, within the first year, an active association culture has already developed in the two working groups Marketing and Technology. Our experts maintain an active exchange of knowledge across company boundaries, bring the first applications to the market and drive the further development and dissemination of SPE".
The SPE Industrial Partner Network unites large and small companies and brings together expertise from the fields of automation technology, connection technology, cabling, sensor technology, microchips, magnetics, test equipment, device construction and IIoT solutions, to name but a few. At the centre of all efforts is the Single Pair Ethernet technology, which transmits Ethernet over just one pair of twisted copper wires. This technology is one of the most important steps on the way to continuous data cabling from the cloud to sensors at field level. This makes SPE one of the most important drivers for IIoT.
SPE Pioneer Summit 2020 – Be there!
From 3-4 November, the SPE Industrial Partner Network will host the SPE Pioneer Summit 2020, where leading SPE pioneers and experts will show you in tech-talks, panel discussions and webinars how SPE can bring your company into the I4.0 age. To name just a few speakers, you can look forward to the event:
– Xaver Schmidt (Head of Project Group Industrie 4.0 –PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V. (PNO) a member of PROFIBUS & PROFINET International (PI))
– Dr. Gunter Kegel (CEO Pepperl and Fuchs, President ZVEI elected)
– Dr. Oliver Kleineberg (Global CTO Industrial Networking Hirschmann Automation and Control Belden)
– Kevin Behnisch (Head of Department Smart technologies and industry VDE Testing and Certification Institute)
– Alexander Gerfer (CEO Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG)
Don’t miss out and register directly: https://spe-pioneer-summit.heysummit.com/
Via the partner network:
The SPE Industrial Partner Network is based in Rahden in Westphalia and is an equal alliance of companies that promote Single Pair Ethernet technology as the basis for rapid and successful growth of IIoT. The aim of the association is to establish SPE on the market as a new Ethernet technology in the sense of a comprehensive ecosystem with all necessary components.
We also see ourselves as a partner of the Industrial Ethernet user groups and would like to support them in the adaptation of this new "physical layer" for PROFINET, EtherNet/IP, CC-LinkIE, for example.
The bundling of competences of the individual companies should give users an investment security to invest in this technology. Other interested companies are welcome to become new members. Shaping the future together – talk to us!
SPE Industrial Partner Network e.V
Weher Straße 151
32369 Rahden
Telefon: +49 (5772) 47-1013
Telefax: +49 (5772) 47-907040
Telefon: 05772477040
E-Mail: presse@single-pair-ethernet.com