Strategic cooperation for safer photovoltaic systems
The Department of Engineering and Information Technology at the Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) integrates forward-looking topics like alternative energies, new technologies and digitalization into its research, development, and teaching. Its photovoltaics laboratory, under the supervision of Prof. Urs Muntwyler, has carried out research in the area of “photovoltaic system technology” for 30 years. Since 1985, Prof. Urs Muntwyler has been a committed pioneer and expert in solar energy. He is also part of a body of experts on safe PV installations in the building insurance industry.
“In the PV lab at the BFH, in addition to long-term monitoring and quality testing of PV systems and components, we also analyze the underlying technical conditions for increasing the safety of PV installations. We are looking forward to the professional, constructive collaboration with the market leader for PV DC connectors,” confirms Prof. Muntwyler.
“We have come to know and appreciate the PV-Lab and Prof. Muntwyler as competent partners when it comes to evaluate, based on technically scientific expertise, the medium and long-term consequences of cross-mating in PV systems for customers – whether in relation to the LCOE[1] or to plant safety. With the BFH, Stäubli has a scientific partner at its side who supports the holistic understanding and interaction of all factors for safe PV systems. The gained insights will be incorporated in our development projects and the international committee work,” says Matthias Schuerch, Head of Global Product Management for Alternative Energies at Stäubli.
Matthias Mack, Director of Global Alternative Energies, adds: “We see this long-term cooperation with the BFH as another step in making the quite young PV industry safer in the long term, with quality products and education in the area of application or installation as a contribution to decarbonization of the energy industry.”
[1] Levelized Cost Of Energy
About the Bern University of Applied Sciences
Alternative energies, new technologies, digitalization: The Department of Engineering and Information Technology at the Bern University of Applied Sciences integrates these highly topical issues into its research, development, and teaching. Applied research takes place in ten institutes and three BFH centers, which cover a broad spectrum of expertise. New technologies and the know-how gained from research and industry products are carried over to scientific research and shared with partners in order to develop new products and processes.
The Laboratory for Photovoltaic Systems at the BFH has carried out research and other activities in the area of “photovoltaic system technology” for 30 years. Its most important activities are research projects and services in the areas of long-term measurement and quality assurance for PV systems, testing PV power inverters, integrating photovoltaics into building enclosures, and connecting photovoltaics to electrical vehicles, batteries, and “smart use”. http://bfh.ch/iem/photovoltaik
Stäubli bietet innovative Mechatronik-Lösungen in den drei Kernbereichen Connectors, Robotics und Textile. Gegründet 1892, ist Stäubli heute ein internationaler Konzern mit Hauptsitz in Pfäffikon, Schweiz, und beschäftigt weltweit mehr als 5500 Mitarbeiter. Stäubli ist in 29 Ländern mit Produktions-, Vertriebs- und Service-Tochtergesellschaften präsent und wird durch Vertretungen in 50 Ländern ergänzt. Als Weltmarktführer im Bereich Connectors produziert Stäubli Schnellkupplungssysteme für alle Arten von Flüssigkeiten, Gasen und elektrischer Energie. Das Electrical Connectors Produktportfolio (ehemals Multi-Contact) reicht von Miniatur- bis hin zu Hochleistungssteckverbindern für Energieübertragung, Automationsindustrie, Transportwesen, Prüf- und Messtechnik. In der Photovoltaik ist Stäubli mit seinen Steckverbinderkomponenten MC4 Weltmarktführer. Kernstück aller elektrischen Steckverbinder von Stäubli ist die einzigartige MULTILAM-Technologie.
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Berner Fachhochschule BFH
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E-Mail: michelle.buchser@bfh.ch
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