The Famed falconer Leo Mandlsperger relies on Loder AT#1 tire for his livelihood!
Leo Mandlsperger was just 10 years old when he began working with falcons and over the ensuing years garnered international recognition. Wherever you chance on Leo your eyes automatically start scanning the sky in the hope to witness the awe inspiring displays of his magnificent birds. His falcons are valued throughout the world, his clients especially appreciate that the 69 year old trains his falcons by himself; they are bred, raised and trained solely by Leo. In urban environments they are deployed in crow management, in rougher rural territory they are the ultimate hunter and of course further afield Leo’s falcons are at home in the United Arab Emirates where falcons have a deep seated cultural importance. That said it can be of no wonder that he chooses his form of transport very carefully, he’s opted for the off road version of the Ford Ranger that combines a perfect mix of off road capability and highway comfort. His breeding facilities are off the beaten track, his training grounds are more often than not off road and on top that there are the long distance highway drives. For Leo his vehicle versatility is essential, it’s good thing that Leo and delta4x4 have been close friends for many years and now swears by the new A/T-tire AT#1 from Loder Tires, it claws its way regardless of however tricky the terrain just like his birds of prey. The Loder AT#1 is a German development that comes in sizes 33×12.5R18 and 305/60R18. It’s tested for sound, rolling resistance and grip in wet conditions and is approved for speeds up to 180kph and for 1320kg. The tires sport the Three Peaks stamp (3PMSF) the recognized symbol for winter tires, which makes it the perfect all-season off road tire! For the market launch, delta4x4 is offering a special promotion for all off road enthusiasts: a whole year’s supply of a set of test tires with rims including 15,000 km. This is a limited offer on a first come first served basis and is free. Just a small sticker “delta4x4 tire tester” on the vehicle and a quarterly feedback on the tire driving experience, then after 12 months the testers have the opportunity to purchase the tires at a lower price! The offer applies to all mid-size pickups such as X-class, Amorok, Ranger, Ranger Raptor, Isuzu D-Max, Hillux and L200, as these vehicles are allowed to drive this tire size, as well as the Mercedes G463 and the 463A. Falconer Mandlsperger has already given his feedback and is enthusiastic about the new Loder Tire
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:
delta4x4 Geländesport und Zubehör Handels GmbH
Dorfstraße 20
85235 Odelzhausen
Telefon: +49 (8134) 9302-0
Telefax: +49 (8134) 6112
Ralph D. Niese
Inhaber / Automotive PR
Telefon: +49 (171) 9787471
E-Mail: r.niese@rdn-pr.com
Inhaber / Automotive PR
Telefon: +49 (171) 9787471
E-Mail: r.niese@rdn-pr.com
Maximilian Loder
Telefon: +49 (8134) 9302-14
Fax: +49 (8134) 9302-21
E-Mail: maximilian.loder@delta4x4.com
Telefon: +49 (8134) 9302-14
Fax: +49 (8134) 9302-21
E-Mail: maximilian.loder@delta4x4.com
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