The German automation software provider, CELUS, has appointed Matthijs von Witte as new Head of Sales
Since October 1st, Matthijs von Witte will be responsible for the strategic direction of global sales and will help to further strengthen gate-startup CELUS‘ position.
CELUS‘ goal is to become the global leader in automation software for electronics development. With his extensive knowledge and experience in the electronics engineering industry, von Witte has a track record of delivering high revenue goals.
“The Celus platform brings disruptive innovation to the hardware design process. I am truly excited to be part of the team and to be in a position to help drive meaningful change to the electronics industry that will help our customers to mitigate the increasing design speed and complexity requirements.”, von Witte states.
Matthijs von Witte has 22 years’ commercial business management experience, and joins CELUS from Molex, where he was responsible for the post-merger integration of FCT Electronics into Molex to become a fully integrated Molex product line. Matthijs has a successful track record of leading global sales development strategies on a global basis.
Tobias Pohl, CEO from CELUS adds: “With Matthijs van Witte we managed to successfully expand our management team with an additional important management function. Matthijs has proven to be a successful and reliable Manager in his previous positions and built and lead Sales departments. I got to know Matthijs as a strategic thinker and I am glad to welcome him in the team.”
With Wittes position the fourth position in the middle management has been well-staffed in no time. Earlier this year, Nicole Lontzek has been appointed as the new Head of Marketing, as well as filled positions in R&D and HR. This new top hire plays a vital role for the technology company and is another milestone in the global growth strategy.
About CELUS:
CELUS is the integrated cloud-based automation software for industrial companies in the electronics engineering industry. The software provider, based in Garching near Munich in the gate, Technology & Founders Centre, has set itself the goal of making electronics engineering processes faster, easier and more efficient through automation. By using the CELUS Engineering Platform, engineers can complete tasks in minutes, that would otherwise require weeks of manual work. Electronics engineers can turn complex plans into intricate printed circuit board designs at a speed that has huge implications for the future of the electronics industry. This is a game changer in a time where we rely on electronic devices more than ever. It enables electronics engineers to spend more time on creative solutions and on solving complex problems to develop innovative ideas. CELUS develops an AI-supported, cloud-based, All-in-One software solution for automated development of PCB layouts, circuit diagrams and embedded systems.
About gate – Garchinger Technologie- und Gründerzentrum
As a business incubator the gate is the first place to go to for high-tech-startups and is located on the research campus in Garching/Munich. More than 50 resident gate startups mainly appreciate the flexibly expandable offices in direct neigbourhood to the Technical University of Munich. In order to become mature entrepreneurs, the founders seek the local coach’s advice and can resort to a network of research and specialists.
Founders who have innovative ideas, especially within the range of CleanTech, Artificial Intelligence, Industry 4.0, MedTech, IT, Virtual & Augmented Reality or Robotics, meet passionate like-minded people at the gate.
Since it’s foundation in 2002, gate has supported more than 300 companies. This total package, subsidised by the Bavarian government, makes it „the gate to success for high-tech-startups“.
gate Garchinger Technologie- und Gründerzentrum GmbH
Lichtenbergstraße 8
85748 Garching bei München
Telefon: +49 (89) 5484-0
Telefax: +49 (89) 5484-1010
Head of Marketing
Telefon: + (49) 172 6122 370
E-Mail: press@celus.io
Marketing & Öffentlichkeitsarbeit
Telefon: +49 (89) 5484-1110
Fax: +49 (89) 5484-1010
E-Mail: lisa.hyna@gategarching.com