
Challenging times only make us better!

The management of GIG Karasek is pleased to announce that, even in these extraordinary times, more than 100,000 on site working hours have been performed without incident on the Vulindlela project (South Africa).  This is only possible because of the careful support and tireless commitment of the entire project team from Sappi South Africa, who have completed over 3 million accident-free hours here so far.

Due to the busy construction site and the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, every single project participant can be particularly proud of this positive interim result.

GIG Karasek would therefore like to take this opportunity to thank all project members for their great engagement, motivation and attitude put in the Vulindlela project so far.

The great working project team on site and in our offices in Europe makes GIG Karasek confident that the project will be completed safely, on time and in the best quality.

It is well known that the last 20% of a challenging project are always the most difficult in terms of visible progress and motivation, but GIG Karasek would like to thank everyone involved for continuing to comply with all safety measures and for the smooth implementation of a challenging project.

Über die GIG Karasek GmbH

GIG Karasek is your contact for demanding process solutions and plant projects. For decades, we support our international customers in the fields: chemical, paper & pulp, food and pharmaceutical industry. Our specialty of expertise are in the fields of distillation, evaporation and drying. We also manufacture special process equipment for different procedural applications according to customer requirements. With our own technical center we offer our customers full service support. Therefore we remain constantly on the pulse of time and develop new Technologies.

Sappi is a global company focused on providing dissolving pulp, paper pulp, paper-based and biorefinery solutions to its customers in over 150 countries.
These feature in applications ranging from textiles to healthcare, graphic papers and packaging.

Our industry is on the cusp of a period of unprecedented change – and we’re at the forefront of technological innovation. By investing in an ambitious programme of research and development, we’ll continue to unlock the true potential of sustainable renewable resources, with woodfibre at our core. This commitment means we can diversify our product offering and meet future demand in areas such as bio-energy and pharmaceuticals in this current carbon-constrained age.

Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Meldung:

GIG Karasek GmbH
Neusiedlerstraße 15-19
A2640 Gloggnitz
Telefon: +43 (2662) 42780

Natalie Plankensteiner
Marketing Manager
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