EMVA and EPIC sign Memorandum of Understanding to strengthen the Photonics and Machine Vision industries
The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signature was publicly announced at the EPIC Online Technology Meeting on 3D Sensing on 23 November 2020. The collaboration between EMVA and EPIC is focused on cooperative activities involving continued industry endorsement of standards and supporting the development of an efficient and sustainable industry.
Driving the standards in machine vision technology
The partnership will encourage cooperation between the members, including participation at events, collaboration on information exchange and promotion, and advisory mandates to develop an efficient and sustainable industry. Dr. Jose Pozo, CTO of EPIC, said: “Having EMVA on board as a partner brings the opportunity to EPIC members to build potential collaborations and partnerships with the key players of the machine vision industry. The main goal of this cooperation is to facilitate the communication between different parts of the value chain towards building common voice for the interests of companies using machine vision technologies.”
Implementing agreements and standards for machine vision technology
“The collaboration with EPIC supports our members and the wider Machine Vision industry by strengthing links across a broad value chain and increasing opportunities for collaboration” said Thomas Lübkemeier, General Manager at EMVA. “ At the same time, worldwide standards provide an important basis for industry growth, and we look forward to working with the extensive network of EPIC to support this topic.”
About EPIC
The European Photonics Industry Consortium (EPIC), a membership-led non-profit industry association with over 600 members that promotes the sustainable development of organisations working in the field of photonics. Its members encompass the entire value chain from LED lighting, PV solar energy, Silicon photonics, Optical components, Lasers, Sensors, Displays, Projectors, Optic fiber, and other photonic related technologies. EPIC fosters a vibrant photonics ecosystem by maintaining a strong network and acting as a catalyst and facilitator for technological and commercial advancement. EPIC works closely with related industries, universities, and public authorities to build a more competitive photonics industrial sector, capable of both economic and technological growth in a highly competitive world-wide marketplace.
The EMVA is a not for profit organization, open to all, which is owned by its members who represent over 130 companies, institutes, and organizations, originating from within Europe, North America, and Asia. The association seeks to represent the interests of its members and promote the vision industry in general, but also encourage cooperation and standardization. The EMVA hosts several important standards used throughout the machine vision industry including the GenICam series used to provide a consistent, device independent interface to machine vision hardware, the EMVA1288 standard used for bench-marking performance of industrial cameras, and the newly initiated Open Optics Camera Interface (OOCI) standard which addresses the connectivity of camera lenses within a machine vision system, and the new emVISION initiative addressing standardization within embedded vision systems. To find out more visit the web site www.emva.org.
European Machine Vision Association
Ronda Santa Eulalia 37, nave 13
E08780 Palleja – Barcelona
Telefon: +34 (93) 1807060
Telefax: +34 (93) 1807060
Manager Media Relations
E-Mail: press@emva.org
Marketing Manager, EPIC
Telefon: +34 (68) 3343793
E-Mail: auri.ripoll@epic-assoc.com