Enabling Advanced Process Control with Qubicon® by Interface & Bilfinger (Webinar | Online)
Real-time implementation of the “Feed-on-Demand” strategy Overview
You will be introduced to Qubicon®, the all-in-one software solution for advanced process monitoring and control. The software meets industry demands with key features such as data management, process monitoring, visualization and comparison, as well as advanced control. Manufacturing processes are taken to the next level by enabling you to monitor and control pre-defined process parameters in real-time, ultimately ensuring consistent and reproducible product quality.
What will you learn in the Webinar?
Interface and Bilfinger will demonstrate how the innovative software Qubicon® can assist you in your endeavor to optimize your production processes and generate added value for your organization. In particular, the speakers will present how model-based feed control can be realized, with the aim of a constant glucose concentration and associated high product quality during a bioprocess.
Who could the webinar be of interest to?
The webinar will address the involved parties of the (bio-)pharmaceutical industry in the areas of process development, operation, analysis, modelling, automation and control. Experts from all industrial and academic areas whether upstream- or downstream processing, R&D or manufacturing are encouraged and welcome to join the webinar for valuable insights into advanced process control.
How can you participate?
Registration ist open at: https://www.edudip.com/en/webinar/enabling-advanced-process-control-with-qubicon/501346. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing detailed information and guidance on how to join the webinar.
Eventdatum: Freitag, 27. November 2020 10:30 – 11:15
Eventort: Online
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
Industrielle Biotechnologie Bayern Netzwerk GmbH
Fürstenrieder Strasse 279 A
81377 München
Telefon: +49 (89) 74120-370
Telefax: +49 (89) 74120-378
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